Dec 30, 2019

St. Gallen mafia

If you want to understand the abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, and understand Satan's 100 year reign as an attempt to corrupt and prevail over the Church Jesus started 2000 years ago, then you begin by thanking James Grein for coming forward and testifying. James was one of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's abuse victims, abuse that started when James was 11 years old and continued for 18 years until James was 29.

In short, Ted McCarrick became a close friend of James' uncle Werner Grein, when they were both in High School, about 1946. By 1948 McCarrick was vacationing with the Grein family, including at St. Gallen Switzerland, where Werner Grein's father and James' grandfather was born.

McCarrick was introduced to some Catholic clerics in St. Gallen and by 1951, when McCarrick was 20 years old, he was studying languages there. According to James Grein's aunt, McCarrick returned from St. Gallens a changed man, more driven, more egotistical, no longer interested in being just a parish priest but showing a keen interest in joining the Catholic hierarchy and wielding power. Grein describes McCarrick not as a Narcissist but as an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.

McCarrick's plans included getting James Grein ordained as one of his minions, but through the grace of God James never wanted to be ordained, likely because he recognized this would entail adulation of uncle Ted. Uncle Ted's plans included changing the Catholic church by grooming the next generation of Church changers in the line of Spellman, Cooke and Weurl.

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