Dec 10, 2018

McCarrick's victim James Grein comes forward, powerfully

James Grein is the person who according to the Archdiocese of New York made credible accusations that Archbishop Theodore McCarrick abused him for 18 years starting in 1969 when he was 11 years old. Full interview from National Catholic Register.

This is a very powerful interview lasting just over 38 minutes. Money quote: "He's a sad, weak man who has lost his faith in Jesus Christ. I pray for him every day, so that he may feel the need to repent, to just tell the truth, to come back out from behind that collar and realize he's just a fallible man, as I am."
2nd shocking quote: "I did not see him everyday, but every day I saw him, he abused me...I was alone, absolutely alone with my own thoughts, a very sad place to go, for anybody...I must hide what is happening to me, I cannot tell anybody and I have to protect myself from anybody else because if this man is doing this to me, how many others are going to do this to me, if I open my mouth. I cut myself off from God, from other human beings, and got lost...’eat away’ is a calm way to put this. I told myself lies that I was not good enough, maybe I was better off not being on the earth today." "Booze became the replacement for Jesus Christ."
James started drinking at 13, to subdue the noise in his mind from the abuse. He fortunately survived two suicide attempts, the last one which included "many percacets and a half gallon of gin." God finally saved him in 1991. "God wants us to be alive so He can use us for His voice. I am his instrument."

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