Jun 20, 2006

Tolerant Governor intolerant

UPI Religion & Spirituality Forum

ANNAPOLIS, June 19 (UPI) — Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. fired Robert J. Smith of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority for referring…to homosexual behavior as "deviant" on a talk show interview [outside of work].
One of his colleagues on the transit board, who is openly homosexual, complained about the comment during a board meeting on Thursday and demanded Smith retract his comments or resign from the board, the Baltimore Sun said.
Smith declined, saying he stood by his beliefs as a Roman Catholic, and a few hours later he received notice from the governor that he was fired.
The governor said he was intolerant to any view that opposes the full social acceptance of homosexual behavior and its promotion in government.
"The comments I make in public outside of my (Metro board job) I'm entitled to make." His personal beliefs, [Smith] said, have "absolutely nothing to do with running trains and buses and have not affected my actions or decisions on this board."
"The notion that I consider homosexual behavior as deviant behavior is correct," Smith said. He declined to apologize to Graham, saying, "I didn't make the comments to Mr. Graham. I'm sorry that he feels that way, but I don't agree that his lifestyle is an appropriate way to live one's life."

Contact Gov. Ehrlich and let him know how intolerant he is - http://www.governor.maryland.gov/contact.html

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