May 19, 2006

2 or 3 gathered in My name

I went to the Showcase North Cinema tonight about 6:30PM. The manager said I could not give out flyers on their property, so I went out front, on the sidewalk by the Street. I didn't have a sign, just copies of the book, The DaVinci Deception. I assumed that I'd basically be ignored, or possibly laughed at, but settled in to silently praying the Rosary and standing around. Then I figured I'd write "FREE" on the side of the small box they came shipped in. As I was doing, a guy with his two teenage boys stopped, asked if he could have a copy, and if I was a Christian. He gave me a cardboard box so I could make a sign. I wrote "See another movie."

A little later, a woman in a minivan stopped across the street, as she was leaving, and commented that the book was a 'really good read'. I said I knew that, but the problem was Brown denied Jesus was the Son of God. She said "Oh no" he did not do that, which kind of surprised me. I offered her a book; she declined politely, and then actually said she commended me for standing there.

When Dave showed up, I admitted to him that there was no plan, so then we decided stand right next to the Enter sign, that way we would be facing the driver's side window of any car coming into the Cinema parking lot. We started praying the Rosary, and it was then that some people started stopping and asking for a book. I was kind of surprised; I thought we would basically be ignored. We gave out about 25 books with a flyer from Dave as an insert.

Some teenage boys from the local neighborhood stopped by and asked for books, I think they kind of wanted to poke fun at us, or a least see what our story was. In typical teenage boy wise-guy fashion, but with an exterior sincerity persona, they asked for our autographs! Then I'm not sure if they were serious or seeking to shock us, but one said he was a wiccan, and added his father was even more of a wiccan. I simply said that I could not figure out all those little gods they have in wicca, and asked how you could know who was in charge, who was the One who created the universe. The kid actually said sometimes he thinks of God.

I didn't stay that late, and just figured I could put up with a little embarrassment of standing there in public, after all, Jesus did. But once Dave showed up - we had two praying in His name, and stuff started happening.

Nina should be there tomorrow (Saturday PM).


M. Alexander said...

Nice blog. Thanks for the link. I'll put your blog up! Good for you protesting Da Vinci! Never underestimate what your presence meant- especially to Our Lord!

JayG said...

Thanks Mary,
and thanks for the link.