Apr 12, 2006

Conception gives form to individuals

December 27, 2001
fax: 508 793-9313

Conception gives form to individuals. The design of our DNA double-helix spiral is magnificent, and could be described as beyond natural – supernatural. In the natural world things fall apart and entropy reigns, but the double-helix defies the natural order. You could say that God “knits” the two separate half-sets of our parents DNA to form each of us in the womb. Conception manifests creation.

Consider these scientific facts: these uniquely human individuals, in the womb, have beating hearts at 3 weeks, brain waves at 6 weeks, as well as hands, feet, eyes, mouth, face and head. They also respond to pain. Inside our mothers, yet with different DNA, therefore we were individuals, not appendages, not tumors.

To say that these obviously human, unborn individuals are not “persons” is the same legalistic dodge that slave owners took. You cannot “choose” to own slaves. One of the signs carried by African Americans who peacefully marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, simply, “I am a Man. We all should peacefully carry that same sign for our unborn sisters and brothers.


Jay G

November 7, 2001
fax: 508 793-9313

Time was when the slavery and ownership of African Americans was protected and upheld by the Supreme Court, to the point where a slave’s life could be taken with impunity. Fortunately Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856) is no longer the Law of the Land. Neither is Child labor protected since Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918) was overturned. Many Blacks and Children died, were killed in fact, because they were not considered “persons” by the Supreme Court. The “Separate but equal” doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) sanctioning segregation was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, indicating again that the Supreme Court eventually does the right thing.

When you believe in Human Rights, and not just “Person” Rights, you see the lack of Constitutional precedent for Roe v. Wade. The 40 Million abortions done in the US since Roe v. Wade should prompt us to wonder why we allow people to hide behind a false right in order to kill an infant, simply because that infant is an inconvenience. Perhaps there would be less demand if we all read the study by Janet Daling, who is Pro-Choice, showing the large increased risk of breast cancer as a result of induced abortions.

Many reversals of Supreme Court decisions came about when new evidence was brought forward that made it clear that someone’s rights, not previously recognized, were being violated. It is time to reassess abortion.


Jay G

October 30, 2001
fax: 508 793-9313

I am rather surprised, and dismayed, at the number of letters suggesting that the US do nothing in terms of War in response to the acts of atrocity perpetrated against the innocent civilians on 9/11/01. While I respect all American’s right to free speech, anyone who claims that there may be any justification for these acts of war is either blind, foolish, or evil.

Because the evil done by Al Qaida has been certain, grave and permanent, and all indications are that Al Qaida will not stop its attacks, it is imperative that we conduct a Just War against this nation of murderers. A Just War seeks justice, not revenge, and seeks to absolutely minimize any loss of innocent life. The US cannot stand by while these identified, organized and harbored killers continue their slaughter of innocent life. The thought of how close these thugs are to obtaining nuclear weapons should cause a cold shiver in all peace-loving and freedom-loving people.

I suggest examining our priorities; Pray more, as we need God to guide us, consider using less oil as oil props up the corrupt Saudi Kingdom, and if you want to save innocent lives, come pray outside of Planned Parenthood, and encourage everyone to seek alternatives to abortion.


Jay G

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