Apr 5, 2021

U.S.S. Donald Cook spooked

On April 14, 2014, a single, unarmed* Russian SU-24 Fighter Jet completely Disabled the United States AEGIS Missle Destroyer U.S.S. Donald Cook Using Electronic Warfare Weapon, while the Cook was in the Black Sea.

The unarmed Russian fighter flew over the bow of the Destroyer, then simulated a missle attack, flying in low. Twelve times. The crew of the Cook was completely demoralized, with several sailors requesting transition out of the Navy. * No missles or bombs were carried by the SU 24, just a single 'basket' like electronic warfare module known as Khibiny.

x22report claims the details on how to electronically disable an AEGIS Destroyer were sold to the Russians during the Obama administration. The Biden Administration plans to make the U.S. Military Green, all-electric vehicles, no fossil fuels.

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