Dec 16, 2020

EO 13848

Pray - Originally scheduled December 12, but this is still a great prayer idea!
. . 1. Pray the 51st Psalm, with arms outstretched, three times. It is a Psalm of repentance to allow Restoration. Ps 51:1 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love;
. . 2. Do one hour of silence wherever you are. Location is not important, nor is the time of the day. If you can find a Tabernacle for Adoration, bring your bible.
. . .3. Fast as Jonah instructed Nineveh to save it from destruction. Read Jonah 3:1-10. 1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time, saying, 2 "Get up, go to Nineveh

Election Front - Fraud
Chinese Communist Party members are embedded in some of the largest companies and inside some government agencies around the world. Pfizer And AstraZeneca Employ a Total Of 123 Party Members on this list.

Michigan Election Fraud
Antrim County MI, is where everyone agrees that on Election Night we saw 6000 votes switched from Trump to Biden. The MI Secretary of State said this was not a glitch but human error.

A MI judge allowed a cyber security audit of the Antrim County Dominion voting machines back on Dec. 6. The results were recently allowed to be released, and the MI Secretary of State was wrong, the 6000 vote switch was not human error, it was "intentionally and purposefully designed" into the Dominion voting machines, and primarily executed through the process of "adjudication" or the fixing of votes flagged for an error.

Federal Election Commission guidelines allow an election error rate of 1 error in 250,000 ballots (.0008%).

In Antrim County MI, the error rate was 68.05%. That is more than 85 thousand times the acceptable FEC guideline.

This means 68.05% of the votes in this county had to be adjudicated, or 'fixed' by election workers.

Dominion’s digital adjudication process is where your vote was most likely STOLEN. — Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 10, 2020

The same thing happened in Clark County Nevada — Las Vegas, same error rate with same Dominion voting machines.
The Antrim County Dominion Voting machine adjudication logs for 2020 are missing, but logs from previous years are still on the systems. “Removal of these files violates state law and prevents a meaningful audit." This means the only proof of what was changed during the adjudication process was deleted. "The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency or audit trail."

"This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.”

As to vote weighting, the audit found differences in how voting machine counted the same ballots when they had different versions of software. “Our findings show that the Central Lake Township tabulator tape totals were significantly altered by utilizing two different program versions (10/23/2020 and 11/05/2020), both of which were software changes during an election which violates election law…"
— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) December 14, 2020

Electoral College front
Mon Dec. 14 – Another step in the electoral college process. 7 states; MI, WI, PA, GA, NM, NV and AZ have sent two slates of electors to Washington, one for Biden and a second for Trump. States have until Dec. 23 to select their slates of Electoral College voters.
Wed Dec. 16 US Senate Homeland Security hearings on election fraud begin
Fri Dec. 18 deadline for Dept. of Homeland Security, DHS report on Election Fraud especially as it relates to foreign interference.

Be prepared for massive Blackout on the Internet, including FaceBook. Bookmark your favorite web sites as you will not be able to find them through a Google search or through FaceBook.

This wasn’t an election, this was a giant sting operation!

God Bless and Save America

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