Nov 8, 2020

Pro-Life Hope - Jericho siege

Pro-Life Political front – Aftermath of Nov. 3 election
Siege of Jericho - March around the State Capital's to topple the walls of fake election. Or join America's "prayer chain"

Jos 6:1 Already Jericho was bolted and barred against the approach of Israel, so that there was no entering or leaving it, 2 and now the Lord promised to make Josue master of it, with its king and all its defenders. 3 Once a day, he said, you will march round the city walls, every man of you that bears arms, for six days together. 4 And on the seventh day do as follows. The priests will be carrying seven trumpets, such as are used at jubilee time, and marching with these in front of the ark that bears witness of my covenant. On this day you will go round the city seven times, to the sound of the trumpets the priests are carrying.[1] 5 And when the trumpets blow a long blast that rises and falls, the whole people, on hearing it, must raise a loud cry; at that cry, the walls of the city will fall down flat, and each man will go in to the assault at the place where he is posted.

Fr. Frank Pavone has posted a Prayer for President Trump and a Fair Outcome of the Election.
Fr. also points out basic United States Civics - there is no President elect until all the legal votes are counted and certified.

When we went to sleep on Nov. 3, it looked good for Trump, he had won. However, over that night and the next few nights things mysteriously changed. Biden is not president or president-elect, no matter what CCN or the NYT says.

Dr. Taylor Marshall lays out the simple steps to President's Trump's re-election:

1. The PA election law states that votes must be received by 8pm EST on election day, Tuesday Nov. 3rd, 2020. The PA Supreme court changed that rule in the middle of this election - and Trump has challenged that all ballots received after the deadline are legal and valid. The Supreme Court will hear this case and Justice Samuel Alito has ordered all PA votes received after this deadline to be separated until a ruling on their legality is made. Trump handily won PA's 20 electoral votes last Tuesday night, but by last Friday PA election.

This is key, that PA Supreme court overruled by US Supreme Count. It seems reasonable that the Supreme Court will rule that the PA court cannot change election rules in the middle of an election. 4 Justices have already indicated the PA Supreme court cannot do this.

However at least one more thing must happen, one more state that appears to be in Biden's column must have a recount. The most likely states to flip;

2. Double-Dipper votes in NV. Nevada has many Californians who own seconds homes there, while maintaining CA residence. The Trump campaign has documented at least 3,500 of these voters in NV with primary residence in CA.

3. Doctored mail-in ballots in WI. We now know that election clerks were told to doctor mail-in ballots to "fix" missing or contained erroneous info. If NV does not flip Trump still wins if WI is forced in remove these invalid mail-in ballots.

4. If neither NV or WI flip, MI voting machines reported several 'glitches' where a number of votes for Trump, e.g. 6000 in one of 47 counties where this voting software was used, suddenly switched to Biden. MI needs to certify their crooked voting machines.
Marshal Link
This scenario does not even address the thousands of votes by dead people, and the statistical improbabilities such as 90% turn out in WI, and Biden significantly getting a tremendous amount of more votes that cast for the Democratic candidates for Senate in those state. There are many other options also being pursued. Pray!

God Bless America
Jay G.
Prayer List:
Linda DeMartino wife of Deacon Dom has cancer and seeking help at Dana Farber, Bob Crandall Lymphoma, Deacon Dick Martino, Greg Finn RIP suddenly at 32 and his parents Kathy and Jerry, Plymouth pro-lifer Mary O’Donnell RIP, Pro-Lifer Tommy hit by a car RIP, Stefanie & Paul and newborn Joseph Wells

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