Nov 20, 2020

Fake Votes

President Trump's lawyers; Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and others gave a bombshell lengthy press conference on Thursday where they laid out the case for massive election fraud. In a Post-Election Special entitled "Bombs Away", Michael Voris of Church Militant analyzes the evidence presented by these former prosecutors.

..1. Voter machines from various companies; Dominion, Sytle, Sequoia, and SmartMatics, used all over the swing states and all of which have core programming developed by SmartMatics, allow vote manipulation, including weighting votes so that they count more of less than one, and swapping votes from one candidate to another. None of these machines are secure, as in they are not PCI compliant and could not even be used to process credit cards because of this lack of security.

..2. The voter machine scam was complemented by massive election official malfeasance. Hundreds of sworn affidavits have been filed reporting;
... a. voter coaching,
... b. no ID checks,
... c. storing votes in a lock box instead of scanning into the machine in front of the person who voted while claiming the voter machine was broken (it was not),
... d. scanning Biden votes multiple times while discarding Trump votes
... e. excluding and intimidating election observers
... f. 'losing' USB thumb drives with votes on them.
... g. thousands of mail-in ballots that were not folded
... h. 'deliveries' of ballots, often at night, to polling stations

..3. Despite all the election fraud on Nov. 3, the votes for the President overwhelmed the attempted fraud, so vote counting was stopped in a coordinated fashion in swing states 2-3 hours after polls closed, in order to give the Voter machines a chance to introduce more votes against the President.

Did you know that an overvote is when more than 100% of the voters in a precinct vote? That means every overvote is an illegal vote. The Wayne County (Detroit) election commission refused to vote to certify the election because 2/3 of the precincts had overvotes of 200-300% That needs to be investigated, not covered up! Did you know that when the Wayne County Board of Canvassers voted 2-2 to deny certification, Michigan State Representative-elect Abraham Aiyash called Monica Palmer a racist then threatened Palmer's children by naming their High School and saying Blacks would remember their mother's vote not to certify. That's just one of several hundred election irregularities, yet the allegedly good people at CISA said there's nothing to see here. That's like CNN saying there are no third trimester abortions!

A Provisional vote is a vote where when you come to your precinct on election day (Nov. 3), it is found that you had already voted by mail-in, yet they allow you to vote 'provisionally' in person, in effect a second vote because you claimed you did not vote by mail-in. There were 15,000 of this type of provisional votes cast in Pittsburg, PA on Election day.

Almost 3/4 of a million illegal votes cast in PA after the State mandated close of the polls at 8pm on election day. But PA did not isolate these votes.

Will The Trump Team Prove A Global Conspiracy Or Will Dominion Sue For Defamation?

Consider this;

Officials with Dominion Voter Systems backed out of testifying before the Pennsylvania House State Govt Committee on Friday 11/20, at the last minute. Do they have something to hide?
Some insight into the Tucker Carlson Sidney Powell dust-up by Praying Medic.

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