Nov 26, 2020
Anonymous letter from proud supporter of the President of the United States
Below is letter from an anonymous reader who sent this to the President of the United States.
We felt this was fitting on this national holiday.
Dear President Trump:
The 2020 elections have lived up to their expectations. They will be remembered as the critical juncture in our history, the point where either, the individual American citizen lost his or her right to freely consent for their choice of government , or the point where Americans of all creeds, with you at the helm rose up and beat back the elites.
For the past four years Mr. President, the media barraged you with an over 90 percent negative coverage, in spite of that, you prevailed in the hearts of the American public. Your political foes did their best to hamper your plans, yet you persisted. Unbeknownst to many, your foes had one last trick up their sleeves! This year, they conducted a fraudulent election process across the US. Their mainstream media counterparts then abetted the scheme by prematurely declaring your opponent the winner. They are trying to create a sense of uncertainty to make you quit. They know the public witnessed incidences of corruption and fraud at the polls, cases that still must be litigated and settled in the courts. Only a few of the election results have been certified, yet they do not care. They just want you out!
To make the situation worse, some of your opponents are calling for the creation of blacklists of your family and supporters. In the bible, the book of Esther in the fourth chapter, we find Queen Esther facing a similar situation. She and her people were facing annihilation in the hands of their enemy by the name of Haman. He had tricked the mighty King Xerxes, to issue an edict which would result in the elimination of the Jewish people in the Medo-Persian empire. Haman’s wrath transcended the wiping out of the Jewish nation. He had a special hatred for Mordecai, the queen’s cousin, who had refused to bow down and pay homage to him. He ordered gallows to be built 75 feet high where Mordecai would be hanged in the morning.
Your adversaries have this planned for you. To be clear, it will not be hanging in the literal sense, but the result in your livelihood will be the same. Jennifer Rubin, a prominent commentator on MSNBC made these statements last fall as the other guests on the AMJOY show nodded in agreement. Quote:
"It’s not only that Trump has to lose, but his enablers also have to lose. We must collectively burn down the Republican Party. We must level them. Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again, they will take this confirmation as hey. It just pays to ride the waves. Look at me. I have made a thrill. And so, up and down the ticket, Federal, State, Local offices, the country has to repudiate them.”
She is not the only one echoing similar sentiments. Other groups are creating “Haman lists” on various websites with the names of your supporters. They plan to institute punitive measures against your people if they get in the positions to do so. A word of caution to the elected and non-elected so-called republicans/conservatives, to those who have already jumped ship or stayed silent. You are mistaken with the notion that you will escape the “Haman lists.” The book of Esther has the following relevant warning for your kind:
"Do not think to yourself that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish.”
Esther 4:13,14 ESV version The past four years have been tough on you Mr. President. In hindsight, it seems the Lord was preparing you, just like Queen Esther, “for such a time as this.” Over the last few months, you have traversed the country touting messages of hope to every American. Your supporters waited in long lines and braved inclement weather just to hear you speak. They organized vehicle and boat rallies in support of you and your policies. These tens of thousands of freedom-loving citizens in towns both big and small love you. Your supporters appreciate your efforts to bring back their jobs via your championing of “Made in America”products.
These jobs had been offshored by greedy corporations seeking to maximize profit at the expense of the American worker. They have witnessed tangible change in their neighborhoods due to the opportunity zone programs. They enjoy your policies that have led America towards energy independence, decisions that have unshackled the country from harmful international treaties and unnecessary foreign wars. There is so much good you have done.
As we stand on aftermath of the 2020 elections, America itself stands on the brink. If we do not fight and win this battle, the individual citizen will never again have a voice in our government. All the decisions will be made by self-appointed experts and hand-picked politicians. We will be ruled via mandates and decrees, with no input from the public. The media will drive the narrative and dissenters will be permanently cancelled under the guise of creating unity. I hope the promise you made still holds. You promised “never to let the American people down.” You alone Mr. President stand in the unique position to lead this charge. I urge you to challenge the irregularities in all the jurisdictions where credible cases of fraud in the elections occurred. This should be more than recounting the ballots as they are already contaminated. Expose the suspect electronic voting machines, the dead voters, the addition and subtraction of votes from candidates. Unearth the disappearance of vote tallies and stuffing of ballot boxes. Not only should you go after the Swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada, but you should also pursue Georgia, Virginia, Minnesota, and Arizona.
We need to uncover and clean up the political corruption that happened during the election process once and for all. The Tech giants and mainstream media have made it clear that they oppose you. I urge you to bypass them and switch to the alternative platforms. Go to where your supporters are. They are on Parler, Gab, Rumble and Bitchute. Do live interviews on The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, OANN, RSBN, Newsmax, Dan Bongino Podcast, Conservative Treehouse, etc. instead of the mainstream media. Go on another virtual rally on the Rush Limbaugh show. Address your people, all 73+ million strong, because they are dying to hear directly from you without any filters. Ask them to keep their Trump flags flying high in their homes. Encourage them to keep the car and boat parades going.
Finally, I urge you Mr. President, to follow the footsteps of Queen Esther. Ask your followers to go on a three-day period of prayer and fasting in preparation for battle to rescue the foundation of the nation. Your close team of confidants should do so as well. We enter this battle together with you Mr. President aided by God’s help. We know that we face insurmountable odds. We will fight with all our strength and in the end, if we perish, we perish.
Proud Supporter.
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