Sep 28, 2020

Pro-Life against the siege

Oct 4 Sun 2-330pm the 29th annual Life Chain, pro-life stand out in three locations; Elm Park Highland St, and Denny’s on Lincoln St. in Worcester, and White City Shrewsbury. Signs provided. Elm Park and Denny’s could use the most help.

40 Days for Life Vigil continues, every day until Nov 1, In Worcester at 470 Pleasant St. in front of and across the street from Planned Parenthood.

Pro-Life Political front
If you feel like your American and Christian values are under siege, it is because they are. The United States is under siege by well-funded foreign and domestic sources that seek to overturn the rule of law, democracy and order. The Sunrise Foundation is part of this organized effort to violently overthrow the United States by refusing to accept a Trump win in the November election.
Journalist Millie Weaver spent two years infiltrating the Sunrise Foundation, documenting the leaders in their own words calling the burning of buildings a legitimate form of protest, and their plans to shut down cities and the Nation if we do not bow down to their will. The documentary clearly exposes the complicity of the Democratic party in this siege against the United States.

Millie Weaver’s full film is coming out before election day. #SunriseExposed.
The 9-minute Trailer is available here.

You will clearly see in this video that Democrat leaders Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Sen. Markey from Massachusetts are behind this movement. It tells you everything you need to know about the modern-day Democrat Party. They hate this country and want it destroyed.
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Amy Coney Barrett Picked By Trump As U.S. Supreme Court Nominee

Top notch legal mind has the same religion, Roman Catholicism, as the DNC candidate for President, therefore one would think the D Senators would not hold her Religion against her.

Petition supporting priest who said ‘You can’t be a Catholic and a Democrat’ goes viral.
Read about Fr. Altman on Life Site News!

Pro-Life vaccine front
Moderna Therapeutics is developing a CCP-virus (Covid-19) vaccine that does not contain fetal cell tissue. Moderna’s vaccine candidate mRNA-1273 is manufactured cell-free under a pioneering messenger RNA Therapeutics approach. Moderna has received nearly $1 billion from the U.S. government under its Operation Warp Speed program. Initially Moderna (with a partner) tested using the “HEK-293,” abortion cell line, so some older news articles report that, but that situation has changed.

Keep Praying – this is a Spiritual Battle, use spiritual weapons!
God Bless America
Jay G.
Prayer List:
Deacon Dick M, Greg Finn RIP suddenly at 32 and his parents Kathy and Jerry, Plymouth pro-lifer Mary O’Donnell RIP, Pro-Lifer Tommy Quinn hit by a car RIP, Stefanie & Paul and newborn Joseph Wells, Naomi Maynard RIP, Deacon Jim Grave, Deacon Tom Marshall, Deacon Brian Stidsen Lupus diagnosis, Jemele’s dad in Brazil with ALS

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