Aug 26, 2020

Change in Pro-Life election recommendations in MA

........ Pro-Life Political Update - Please reconsider everything!

People on my email list had said that Republican Kevin O'Connor was Pro-Life, but that turns out not to be true – He is Pro-Abortion, just another MA Republican. O’Connor will face Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, PHD in the Republican Primary for the US Senate seat now held by Senator Ed Markey.
Some have sent me information that Shiva "calls abortion a 'personal decision' but also says that it's one that involves two lives, that of the mother and the fetus." In the Big picture, Shiva now sounds the least Pro-Choice. Shiva Ayyadurai is also Anti Big Pharma vaccine industry.

HOWEVER, one person strongly told me Shiva was Pro-Life, and referred me to iVoter. I found the following. In 2018 Shiva answered, but in 2020 he did not.
Human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection at every stage until natural death.

Strongly Agree

but I did not see that Shiva answered.
For example
Right to Life
Human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection at every stage until natural death.
(Did not answer)

The Primary election is Tuesday September 1st. On the Democratic side Senator Ed Markey is being challenged by Rep. Joe Kennedy III in their primary. Kennedy was endorsed by Nancy Pelosi. Markey was anti-abortion until the 1980s when he completely changed to being a full proponent of abortion rights. Both Kennedy and Markey are trying to be the most Pro-Abortion Democratic Candidate - it is unseemly.

Republican Kevin O’Connor’s U.S. Senate Pitch: He's Not A Socialist Or Conspiracy Theorist | NewBostonPost

........ Pro-Life Church Political Update
Jn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Phil Lawler recounts ex-priest Theodore McCarrick's role in the US Bishops 2004 decision regarding communion for Politicians who publicly and persistently promote abortion rights.

One would think that the USCCB would now follow Vatican guidelines that if a Catholic is a prominent supporter of legal abortion, and persists in that support despite private admonitions from his bishop, when he presents himself for Communion, “the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it.” McCarrick never told the USCCB that in 2004, but they know now.

........ 'The Warning' Update
2Tim 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
From Spirit Daily
Careful Discernment called for regarding Fr. Michel Rodrigue and his Fraternité Saint-Benoît-Joseph-Labre lay association

........ Pro-Life Sports Update
Former NFL star Herschel Walker defended President Donald Trump on Monday during a speech at the Republican National Convention. Walker spoke fondly of his 37-year friendship with Trump and said he was personally insulted every time the left criticized the president as racist. “People who think that don’t know what they are talking about,” he said. “Growing up in the deep south, I have seen racism up close. I know what it is — and it isn’t Donald Trump.”

God Bless America
Jay G.
Prayer List:

Deacon Brian Stidsen Lupus diagnosis, Jemele’s dad in Brazil with ALS, Marie Loan Dang, Thuong Thi Phan, Deacon John Barton, Michelle, Deacon Steve Gendron recovery from his successful surgery for non-malignant brain tumor, Deacon Bill and Marianne Griffin, Alicia Fazio broken sternum, Deacon Joseph Manella RIP, Jean Murphy RIP, Mary Xatse RIP wife of Deacon Tony, Nina Tsantinis RIP, Father Ken Lillian and Payne family all with CCP virus, all our children unattached to church and barely talking to God, the entire hierarchy of our Roman Catholic church, Katie 31 weeks pregnant with corona virus, Deacon Paul Gialanella's brother Victor RIP from CORVID, Deacon Stan Baczewski's son Phillip in ICU with the corona virus, Deacon Joe Baniukiewicz

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