Apr 2, 2020

Maybe if we wear masks, sanitize and keep social distance, we could go back to work.

MIT systems biologist Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai claims that the coronavirus response of fear mongering "will go down as the biggest fraud to manipulate economies."

Dr. Shiva just came out with a follow-up video that goes into a great detail to explain the real truth about coronavirus and why as a nation, we need to focus more on immune health.

Dr. Ayyadurai says the Center for Desease Control, CDC is corrupt because of a revolving door with Big Pharma that focuses on reactionary (and expensive) solutions such as immunizations and drugs with no promotion of Immune health.
Click here for 52 minute YouTube video

Key Points

_- Viruses do not harm or kill us
_- It is the overreaction of a weakened and dysfunctional immune system to the virus that results in our own body attacking its own cells, tissues and organs - resulting in harm and death
_- Such a dysfunctional immune response is a result of underlying pre-existing condition
_- Underlying pre-existing conditions include:
__* Obesity
__* Diabetes
__* Heart disease
__* Smoking
__* Immunocompromise


JayG said...

In Germany, when a Covid infected person recovers, they are issued an Immunity card and allowed to go back to work.

JayG said...

Health Watch: Boosting Your Immune System At Critical Time
April 2, 2020 by sd

JayG said...

HydroxiCloroQuine with azithromicin and zinc, is proving miraculous for those at death's door. The virus is attacking hemoglobin, so oxygen is not getting into the bloodstream, even with a ventilator.