Sep 2, 2019

Disturbing Trends

From Massachusetts Family Institute
Two weeks ago in Lawrence, a transgender “woman,” born Jakob Nieves, was arrested for sexually exploiting a 4-year-old girl. Nieves was caught when he purportedly sent pedophilic images to an undercover federal agent on a messaging platform called Kik. Unsurprisingly, most mainstream media has failed to pick up on this story, and those that have refuse to acknowledge that Nieves is actually a man who identifies as a woman. Instead, they only reference his alias of “Dakota Nieves” and repeatedly refer to him as “her.” This is inaccurate and irresponsible reporting, but the same falsehood is even repeated in the official press release from the Department of Justice. This comes despite the fact that the charging documents repeatedly reference “her penis” being used by Nieves in his sexual assault of the young girl.

During the same period that Nieves was sending child pornography to an undercover agent, he was also posting public images in support of the transgender “Bathroom Bill.” Nieves took to Facebook in November of 2018 to advocate for “Yes on 3,” the law that enables men like himself unrestricted access to locker rooms, bathrooms, and any other facility designated for the opposite sex.

Even more disturbing, if Nieves is convicted and registered as a sex offender, once he is released from prison, he will still be allowed to freely enter women’s facilities under Massachusetts’ law. To compound this problem, a report released yesterday shows that the state is failing to notify homeless shelters when sex offenders move in, even when those shelters house families with young children! If pending legislation to implement a federal version of these laws, the Equality Act, passes, it will be considered the legal "right" of men like Nieves to enter any of these women's or girl's facilities anywhere in the country.

These disturbing consequences of Gender Identity laws are some of the many reasons why nearly 900,000 Massachusetts citizens voted “No on 3” last year. We are now seeing the cost of unwise, reckless laws such as these. Predators like Nieves have unfettered access to any woman or girl in the Commonwealth (and maybe soon across the U.S.) who is just trying use the bathroom.

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