Dec 26, 2018

Mary's Christmas

Mary's Christmas Dream
I had a dream, Joseph, I don't understand it, not really, but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our Son. I think that was what it was all about. The people had been preparing for it for about six weeks. They had decorated the house and bought new clothes. They'd gone shopping many times and bought elaborate gifts. It was peculiar, though, because the presents weren't for our Son. They wrapped them in beautiful paper and tied them with lovely bows and stacked them under a tree. Yes, a tree, Joseph, right in their house. They'd decorated the tree also. The branches were full of glowing balls and sparkling ornaments. There was a figure on the top of the tree. It looked like an angel might look.Oh, it was beautiful. Everyone was laughing and happy. They were all excited about the gifts. They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph, not to our Son. I don't think they even knew Him. They never mentioned His name. Doesn't it seem odd for people to go to all that trouble to celebrate someone's birthday if they don't know Him. I had the strangest feeling that if our Son had gone to this celebration He would have been intruding. Everything was so beautiful, Joseph, and everyone so jolly, but it made me want to cry. How sad for Jesus - not to be wanted at His own birthday party. I'm glad it was only a dream. How terrible, Joseph, if it had been real. - Author Unknown

Merry Christmas December 25th 2018

Dec 28 Fri Feast of the Holy Innocents on Pleasant St. to pray for the Holy Innocents, for babies lost to abortion, and for all unborn babies and their parents. Starting with 8:30am Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, 551 Pleasant Street in Worcester, 9:15am Eucharistic Procession to Planned Parenthood, reciting the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, 10:15am – Return to Blessed Sacrament Church, praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, followed by Benediction
Dec 29 Sat 9am Prayer Protest, across from or next to Planned Parenthood, 475 Pleasant St. Worcester

Jan 4 2019 Friday - Massachusetts Citizens for Life, MCFL Advocates' Film Night

There will be no more 1st Friday Masses in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, nor overnight Eucharist adoration, as I am unable to maintain this devotion. 1st Saturday Masses will continue, as will these emails.

The Tipping Point was started by one of Fr. Richard Heilman's parishioners when Father challenged Colin O'Keefe to do something big for the Pro-Life movement. Over the past year, Colin has devoted 100% of his time to developing this "force to be reckoned with." Fr. Heilman loves the title "Tipping Point" because this name indicates that point in which the "Culture of Life" finally overtakes ... becomes more powerful and present in our nation than the "culture of death." Many executives of small pro-life nonprofits work long hours saving lives, have no time for fundraising, and are chronically underfunded. Let's stop waiting. It is OUR responsibility as pro-life donors to find THEM. "Tipping Point" is created to promote these groups and assist them in raising the funds necessary to OUT-fund abortion and do the work of creating a culture of life.

Jan 17 Thu, 2019 7:30 - Life Mass St. Paul's Cathedral followed by departure of buses for
Jan 18 Fri, 2019 March for Life Washington D.C. - Cost: $80 per person by Dec. 31, ($95 after Dec. 31)

Mar 6 2019 next 40 Days for Life campaign will run from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday 2019, April 14, 2019)

Middle Tennessee State University has a new organization on campus: the Satanic Collective, a group of student Satanists..." they "celebrate all forms of Satanism!" and on their Twitter account promote abortion and homosexuality. Sign this Protest Against the Satanic Student Club on Campus

Apr 6 Sat 2019 Worcester Men's Conference, Assumption College

God Bless America
Jay G.
Prayer List:
Paul Thomas RIP, Praise God - Phil B back to work after 5 weeks with disabling vertigo dizziness headache tinnitus – thanks for the prayers, Marie newly diagnosed with metastatic cancer - will need chemo and radiation - and her husband Dennis, Fred Davis RIP, Sister Mary Germaine, Charlie Coudert RIP, Nina, Fr. Eduardo, 2 Lucases vocations, Pricilla, Enrique, Sandra, Rafael, John Clegg RIP, Fr. Nally’s sister Marsha RIP, Donna, Margaret, Ross, Alexa, Kristina Krull RIP as well as her mom Cindi and family

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