Oct 19, 2018


From Catholic Vote: Missouri Senator (pro-abortion “Catholic”) Claire McCaskill just got exposed...
And it might be against the law.

Hidden camera footage from inside McCaskill’s campaign released this week by Project Veritas Action shows staffers admitting that they secretly received Planned Parenthood cash via other organizations in order to hide the truth from voters!
Nicholas Starost, a staffer for McCaskill’s campaign, admitted on camera: “They [Planned Parenthood] don’t want to donate to Claire because they don’t want to ostracize pro-life Democrats in Missouri.”
AND GET THIS: Grace Richardson, Regional Field Director for Claire McCaskill, explains how the money ends up with the campaign. “They go through other means to support and give their money. They just don’t directly give the money from their PACs… It’s like a tactic to like make them not too far left to get the moderate voters.”
The undercover journalist then asked: “It’s like we have to lie to get elected.” McCaskill campaign staffer Melissa Balke agreed, saying: “Essentially, essentially.”
And so guess what happened today[recently]?
Senator McCaskill got caught red handed. So now she is demanding that the state’s attorney general open a fraud investigation because these journalists exposed the truth about her campaign!

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