Apr 3, 2015

Good Friday

Holy Week – Good Friday
Apr 3 Good Friday – No 1st Friday Mass. May 1st is next 1st Friday, 9pm, 1am and 4am hours could use Adoration coverage
Apr 3 Fri 7pm Rosary at my house

Apr 3 Good Friday Noon, Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion
Through His Holy Passion, Our Lord united Himself with all the victims of suffering in this life. None suffer more innocently than children in the womb whose lives are taken by abortion. None suffer more deeply than their mothers, who carry such a burden of guilt and shame. On Good Friday we remember all the victims of abortion - the children lost, the mothers and fathers wounded, the communities blighted - in a solemn prayer service. Across from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant Worc More Info: Call Julie at 508-320-2965
Please join us as we pray for healing for the victims of abortion and for a final end to this injustice in our land.
Apr 3 Fri Noon Stations of the Cross begins at St. John’s on Temple St. through downtown Worcester to St. Paul’s Cathedral on Chatham St.

Stunning Holy Week procession in Spain

Apr 5 Sun Easter, Jesus is Risen
SERIES ON FAITH (#11) More from WORSHIPPING A HIDDEN GOD: Unlocking the Secrets of the Interior Life by Archbishop Luis M. Martinez (Sophia Institute Press: Manchester, New Hampshire: 2003, 2014):

"Somewhere, either in history or in legend, I read that God once said to Tauler, that doctor of the Middle Ages, that He was going to give him a master of the spiritual life. Tauler was to go to a certain church, and there at the door he would find this master. Tauler went and encountered a miserable beggar covered with rags. He greeted him and bade him good day. The beggar answered him, assuring him that all his days were good, since God sent all of them to him. Tauler understood the deep spiritual doctrine that those words contained.

Stand up for Indiana!
By Patrick J. Buchanan
In what has been called the “Catholic moment” in America, in the late 1940s and 1950s, Catholics were admonished from pulpits to “live the faith” and “set an example” for others.
Public lives were to reflect moral beliefs. Christians were to avoid those “living in sin.” Christians who operated motels and hotels did not rent rooms to unmarried couples. Fast forward to 21st-century America.
Indiana just enacted a law, as have 19 other states, to protect the rights of religious people to practice their beliefs in how they live their lives and conduct their businesses.
And the reaction? Nearly hysterical.

Apr 11 Sat 10am Mass in Problem Pregnancy Chapel
Apr 12 Sun 2-4pm Divine Mercy Sunday CELEBRATION, ST. MARY’S CHURCH 17 Waterville St., NORTH Grafton. As requested by our Lord through St. Faustina, we will have the opportunity to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament, venerate the Divine Mercy Image, celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation and sing the Divine Mercy Chaplet together at 3:00pm. We will also pray the Rosary and listen to excerpts from St. Faustina’s diary.

Apr 13 Mon 7pm Fr. Nicholas DiMarzio Bishop of Brooklyn “The Church and Immigration Reform” Hagan Ctr Assumption College

MA Fiscal Alliance has a series of web videos that poke fun at Beacon Hill legislators who'd rather do the people's work in back rooms than out in the open.

Apr 18 Sat 9am Rosary with prayerful sidewalk protest, Pleasant St. followed by 10am Mass celebrated by Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel

Apr 25 Sat March for Marriage Washington DC. our last, best hope to show the justices of the US Supreme Court that the American people demand that their views, values and votes be respected and that marriage be preserved!
Apr 25 Sat 9am Prayer vigil on the sidewalk across from Planned Parenthood, 472 Pleasant St., Worcester followed by 10am Mass in Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Fr. Ken Cardinale

May 1 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass celebrated in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, celebrated by Fr. Miguel Pagan, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration and concluding at 8am with 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Father Michael J. Roy of St. Roch Parish, Oxford. Everyone is welcomed. All Adoration hours could use backup. Scheduled Adorers 9PM – Chris T. 10PM - Julie S - Paul T. 11PM – Eilleen, 12 AM midnight – Jim R., 1AM –open 2AM – Fran 3AM – Jay G 4AM – open 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 –Adrian 7AM – Kathy L.. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour. All hours could use backup. May 2 Sat 1st Sat, 8am Mass with Fr. Roy, Problem Pregnancy and 11am confessions Our Lady of Mercy with noon 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Gaby Hoyak at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church, June St. Worc

God Bless America,
Jay G.
Prayer Needs

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