May 27, 2010

The Pill turns 50

You say that The Pill uses a combination of hormones to mimic pregnancy and prevent ovulation each month. You fail to mention that when this function fails, two back up mechanisms come into play.

Even when The Pill is used properly, ovulation sometime does occur, thus making an egg available for fertilization. The Pill will act to prevent this by thickening a woman's cervical lining, which would make it difficlt for a sperm to reach the egg. Should both these mechanisms fail, thus allowing an egg to be released, fertilized and travel to the uterus, there still is a third means by which gestation is thwarted. This involves the birth control pill changing the uterine lining, in a way that prevents the pertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. This is, by most definitions, chemical abortion, which is why pro-lifers call the birth control pill an 'abortifacient.'

Assuming that there are 10 million oral contraceptive users in the country at any one time, Pharmacists for Life calculates that this method of birth control, alone, causes, annually, between 600,000 and 3,000,000 of what they call 'Infant Homicides.' The fact, although not widely known, is that contracetive drugs and devices are responsible for far more deaths than the commonly known surgical means of killing unborn children.

Posted by Charlie

1 comment :

JayG said...

Letter to the Editor/ National Catholic Register/ May 23, 2010

How the Pill Works

Your lead story, “The Pill at 50” (May 9), reports on the evolution of the use of the birth control pill over the past 50 years. Unfortunately, it does not address the critical issue of how these pills actually function, particularly the fact that they often cause early abortions.

Birth control pills, although labeled as contraceptives, work in several ways. Under the best conditions, they prevent pregnancy either by suppressing ovulation, so that no egg is available for fertilization, or by thickening a woman’s cervical lining, which makes it difficult for a sperm to reach the egg. Should both these mechanisms fail, thus allowing an egg to be released, fertilized and travel to the uterus, there still is a third means by which gestation is thwarted. This involves the birth control pill changing the uterine lining in a way that prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. This is, by any definition, chemical abortion, which is why pro-lifers call the birth control pill an “abortifacient” — that which causes an abortion.

The article includes the false claim that the abortion rate has dropped. Indeed, the Guttmacher Institute (formerly an affiliate of Planned Parenthood) claims that the number of abortions fell from 1.6 million in 1990 to 1.2 million in 2005. In that year, Guttmacher says, 13% of the total were early medication abortions (RU-486), with the balance being surgical. Guttmacher does not count deaths caused by “contraceptives” as abortions. Thus, they do not include in their totals an additional 6-11 million babies which the American Life League estimates are killed annually by the pill or other forms of birth control. As an example, emergency contraception medication (also known as Plan B or the morning-after pill) has becoming increasingly popular, and now is freely available at pharmacies, hospital emergency departments, Planned Parenthood, and even from some school nurses. Each of the millions of doses of this medication which have been distributed in recent years was capable of causing an early chemical abortion. If there has been a drop in the number of surgical abortions, this has been more than made up for by the growing number of deaths due to the increased use of just this one form of abortifacient birth control.

Charles O. Coudert

Sherborn, Massachusetts