Sep 17, 2017

Pro-Life updates including 40 Days for Life

One of the biggest stories of the week was the outrageous interrogation of Notre Dame Law Professor Amy Coney Barrett by Senators Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin. Feinstein has received considerable criticism (rightly so!) for questioning whether Barrett’s faith would imperil her impartiality as a judge. During a hearing last week, Feinstein blurted, “the dogma lives loudly in you.”

54 Day Rosary "Novena for Our Nation" started Aug 15 on the Feast of the Assumption and goes to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7.
DAY 33 - MARY, MORNING STAR, PRAY FOR US UNITY IN TRUTH Devil's Tactic #2 - Divide and Conquer The second modern tactic of the devil is actually the very ancient military strategy of "divide and conquer." This strategy is defined as one that separates a force that would be stronger if united. As we said, the devil is roaming around like a lion that sizes up the herd to find the easiest target. He is also watching to see who is separated from the herd. Large, coordinated forces are difficult to defeat. If the enemy can separate us into small units or individuals, he can more easily defeat each one.

Sep 24 Sun - 40 Days for Life Worcester kick-off, hosted by 40 Days for Life Boston. Betania II Spiritual Retreat and Conference Center, 154 Summer St. Medway, MA. Please consider carpooling.
4pm - Mass celebrated by Fr. Dermot Roache
5pm - Guest speaker Teresa Tomeo
6pm – light meal and fellowship will follow Teresa’s talk.
**There is no charge for this event, but please RSVP to Pauline 508-839-7674 or so that we can plan for food.

Sep 26 Tue 10am hearing on the doctor-prescribed suicide bill, at the State House. Help fill seats at the hearing with pro-lifers as the pro-death groups are planning to come as well. The legislators need to see that our pro-life resolve hasn't wavered from 2012. Come to the State House between 9:30 and 9:50am and meet us just inside.

Sep 27-Nov 5 Fall 40 Days for Life prayer campaign, everyday on the sidewalk on Pleasant St. Worcester.

Oct 1 Sun 1pm Massachusetts March for Life on Boston Common at the Parkman Bandstand

Oct 6 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass and all night adoration until 1st Saturday Mass
Oct 7 1st Saturday, Problem Pregnancy, Our Lady of Mercy Maronite and St. George

"Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good." - I Peter 4:19 The Finnish worker with the development charity Operation Mercy, who was kidnapped in Kabul and was missing 118 days has been released 9/15. An unidentified German woman and an Afghan guard were murdered during the kidnapping.

Oct 14 Sat 100 years and a day since the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Please join the BIGGEST public rosary in history any time after 9am, official start at noon. 11,000 people have already signed up to be Rosary Captains.

Oct 20 Fri 7pm MFI's 26th Annual Fundraising Banquet with Hugh Hewitt at the Newton Marriott

collection starts – we need 100,000 raw signatures. Contact Andrew Surprise to volunteer to collect Signatures in Worcester County & Western MA: 413-313-6889

7th of 12 Cardinals and Bishops Condemn Gender Theory Madness. Great Quotes.
Most Rev. Rudolf Voderholzer
Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
“Gender theoreticians use the equality issues in order to introduce in society a notion of man that goes far beyond specific concerns of equality and, finally, paradoxically, leads to the dissolution of that which ought to be protected, specifically the intrinsic value of male and female existence. The gender theory implies a denial of the nature of man and woman and, hence, also the exclusion of the belief in God, the good Creator… the essence of man and woman is the potential to become a father and the potential to become a mother, respectively. These are not exchangeable roles, but, rather, gifts from the Creator, and, in the last instance, a calling… gender theory [is] an ideology that completely opposes reality and the integrity of human nature.”

C-Fam defends Life and family at the United Nations, please consider a donation

God Bless America

Jay G.

Prayer List:;
Steve & Debbie and their kids, Adriana, Josie Mc for insight, Sammie who is pregnant and whose parents have threatened to kick her out of their house if she does not get an abortion, Hailey, child with a serious stomach condition, very young Emilio Molinari RIP pray for his parents Ruth and Anthony

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