Sep 22, 2017

Dr. Assisted Suicide hearing this Tuesday Sept. 26th

Great news: President Donald Trump's Department of Justice has sided with Christian baker Jack Phillips in a critical religious liberty case pending before the US Supreme Court, Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

A devout Christian, Mr. Phillips declined to create a custom-designed 'wedding' cake for a gay couple celebrating their same-sex 'marriage', because his religious beliefs inform his understanding that marriage can only be the union of one man and one woman. The government of Colorado punished him for upholding his beliefs, imposing a fine, mandating that he and his staff undergo "reeducation counseling" and ordering him to file mandatory compliance reports.

It's time for our political leaders in Washington – especially President Donald Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell – to do what they have repeatedly promised to do and protect the religious liberty rights of Americans, particularly those who believe in marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Please sign this petition that the White House and Congress protect Religious Freedom.

Sep 19 Tue DAY 37 - MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS, PRAY FOR US – 54 Day Novena for our Nation
The word "courage" actually derives its meaning from a Latin root word "cor" which means "heart." It means we are never more courageous than when we "have the courage of our convictions," that is, when we live from the heart, remaining true to who we really are. Lombardi was courageous because he simply yielded to his raison d'ĂȘtre, his reason for existence. St. Catherine of Siena put it this way: "If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze!"

Sep 23 Sat No Mass but Prayerful Sidewalk Protest - Has anyone seen the key for the bin behind Problem Pregnancy with all the Pro-Life signs?
Sep 24 Sun - 40 Days for Life Worcester kick-off, hosted by 40 Days for Life Boston. Betania II Spiritual Retreat and Conference Center, 154 Summer St. Medway, MA. Please consider carpooling.
4pm - Mass celebrated by Fr. Dermot Roache
5pm - Guest speaker Teresa Tomeo
6pm – light meal and fellowship will follow Teresa’s talk.
**There is no charge for this event, but please RSVP to Pauline 508-839-7674 or so that we can plan for food.

Sep 25 Mon 7:15-8pm, through October 30 NOVENA FOR THE SICK St Joseph Sixth Annual Novena to St. Joseph to pray for the sick and dying and for an end to physician-assisted suicide. Nine consecutive Mondays with different homilists each week. Christ the King Church, 1052 Pleasant St., Worcester. All are welcome!

Sep 26 Tue 10am hearing on the doctor-prescribed suicide bill, at the State House. Help fill seats at the hearing with pro-lifers as the pro-death groups are planning to come as well. The legislators need to see that our pro-life resolve hasn't wavered from 2012. Come to the State House between 9:30 and 9:50am and meet us just inside.

Sep 27-Nov 5 Fall 40 Days for Life prayer campaign, everyday on the sidewalk on Pleasant St. Worcester.
The Diocesan Respect Life Office will host a workshop for members of parish pro-life ministries and all others interested on "Using the Respect Life Program in your Parish Pro-Life Ministry" at 6:30 p.m. at the Chancery Library, 49 Elm St., Worcester. Learn more about how you can use this excellent resource to share the good news about the sacredness of human life with all you meet! Pre-registration is required as space is limited.

Oct 1 Sun 1pm Massachusetts March for Life on Boston Common at the Parkman Bandstand
Oct 1 Sun 2-3:30pm 30th annual Life Chain. This prayerful witness to the sacredness of human life is held annually on Respect Life Sunday across the nation. Signs will be available at the local Life Chain stations: Elm Park, Worcester, Denny's Restaurant on Lincoln St., Worcester, and White City, Shrewsbury. The event will be held rain or shine. All are welcome! For more information, contact Louise
Oct 2 Mon 7:15-8pm, through October 30 NOVENA FOR THE SICK St Joseph
Sixth Annual Novena to St. Joseph to pray for the sick and dying and for an end to physician-assisted suicide. Nine consecutive Mondays with different homilists each week. Christ the King Church, 1052 Pleasant St., Worcester. All are welcome!

Oct 6 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass and all night adoration until 1st Saturday Mass in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc until 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Michael Roy. Everyone is welcomed. All Adoration hours could use backup. Scheduled Adorers 9PM –open 10PM – Paul, Julie 11PM –open 12 AM midnight – Fran W, 1AM – Possibly open/Diane 2AM open 3AM – Jay G 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Adrian 7AM – Kathy. All hours could use a backup, including at 6-7AM.
Oct 7 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Fr. Michael Roy in the Problem Pregnancy, chapel, other masses at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite (confession) June St. and St. George’s Brattle St.
Oct 7 Sat Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is also the end of the 54 Day Rosary "Novena for Our Nation" that started Aug 15 on the Feast of the Assumption. This Novena will end with a Rosary Rally in Washington DC, were Rosary prayers will be scapularized and weaponized with 1000 plastic bottles of Epiphany Holy Water and another 1000 plastic bottles of Epiphany Blessed Salt, all Exorcised and Blessed by Fr. Z.

"We are witnessing St. John Paul II’s prophesy of an ‘anti-Church’"

Oct 14 Sat 100 years and a day since the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Please join the BIGGEST public rosary in history any time after 9am, official start at noon. 11,000 people have already signed up to be Rosary Captains.

Oct 20 Fri 7pm MFI's 26th Annual Fundraising Banquet with Hugh Hewitt at the Newton Marriott

collection starts – we need 100,000 raw signatures. Contact Andrew Surprise to volunteer to collect Signatures in Worcester County & Western MA: 413-313-6889

8th of 12 Cardinals and Bishops Condemn Gender Theory Madness. Great Quotes.
Most Rev. Thomas Paprocki, Bishop of Springfield, Illinois
“The transgender activists would have you believe that their politically correct ideology is based on science; however, the American College of Pediatricians has pointed out that transgenderism is classified as a mental illness and therefore has warned legislators and educators that conditioning children to accept transgenderism as normal is child abuse. They advised, 'When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind, not the body, and it should be treated as such.'
"... People who are confused about their gender identity—especially children and adolescents—should be treated with compassion and provided counseling rather than being further confused by activists promoting their political ideology."

C-Fam defends Life and family at the United Nations, please consider a donation

God Bless America

Jay G.

Prayer List:;
Milania at Visitation House, Steve & Debbie and their kids, Adriana, Josie Mc for insight, Sammie who is pregnant and whose parents have threatened to kick her out of their house if she does not get an abortion – she did not keep an appointment at Problem Pregnancy

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