Apr 4, 2016

Hilary not cruisin'

Apr 5 Tue WI primary, Cruz expected win would be a real hit to Trump momentum

Clinton can't win for losing, agitates her Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion masters by saying on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, that “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.” Problem is that 'person' is a legal term, and this gaff prompted Diana Arellano, manager of community engagement for Planned Parenthood Illinois Action, to say Sunday that Mrs. Clinton’s comments undermined the cause for abortion rights.

Apr 9 Sat 10am Mass Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Gratoratti or Fr. Salvinskas from St. Joe’s Charlton

Help Distribute Stop the Bathroom Bill Flyers, e-mail Robert@renewmacoalition.org

Apr 16 Sat 10am Mass celebrated by Fr. Reid, Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Prayerful sidewalk protest after mass about 9am

Listen to Andrew Beckwith defend the right to privacy in Public Bathrooms against the Transgender onslaught

Apr 23 Sat 10 Mass with Fr. Cardinale in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 9-11am #ProtestPlanned Parenthood event on the sidewalk

Apr 16 Sat 10am Mass celebrated by Fr. Reid, Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Prayerful sidewalk protest after mass about 9am

Apr 23 Sat 10 Mass with Fr. Cardinale in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 9-11am #ProtestPlanned Parenthood event on the sidewalk

NOM - Here's the situation we face:
Victory: In North Carolina we won a great victory as the state legislature went into special session to pass legislation repealing a "bathroom bill" imposed on the people of Charlotte by their City Council. The state General Assembly repealed the ordinance by statewide statute and prevented any other municipality from passing something similar. Governor Pat McCrory immediately signed the legislation into law, protecting girls and women from being confronted by biologic males in the most intimate of facilities including restrooms and showers. The victory came only after sustained public pressure from the grassroots, including many rallies and public demonstrations.

Betrayal: In Georgia, turncoat Republican Governor Nathan Deal just vetoed an extremely modest bill to protect pastors and churches from having to participate in same-sex 'weddings' and give some minor protection to religious schools from having to hire someone who openly opposes their religious beliefs. Deal ignored dozens of examples of discrimination against people of faith that have occurred across the country and instead adopted the approach advocated by LGBT extremists that any accommodation of religious objections to gay 'marriage' amounts to "discrimination" against gays and lesbians. Deal and the extremists demand that every single person, religious organization and small business in Georgia agree to personally participate in a same-sex 'wedding' ceremony if asked, regardless of their deeply-held religious views.

Backlash: It is now clear that LGBT extremists and the left will accept absolutely no dissent from the orthodoxy they wish to impose on the country and they are prepared to utilize cultural and economic threats to get their way. In Georgia, the head of the grossly-misnamed Human Right Campaign demanded that Hollywood studios and production companies threaten to withdraw all television and movie productions from Georgia if Governor Deal signed the legislation protecting pastors and churches from participating in same-sex ceremonies. Within days a who's who of Hollywood weighed in with statements against the legislation including Walt Disney Co., MGM, Sony, Lionsgate, 21st Century Fox, Discovery, Time Warner, CBS, and NBC, among others. Corporate America had already been working against the legislation for weeks and a group of giant businesses under the name Georgia Prospers was successful in stripping the legislation of most of the most important legal protections that are needed to help small businesses and other people of faith. Nonetheless, the NCAA expressed their concerns about "discrimination" and the National Football League went so far as to suggest that the legislation would damage the ability of the state to again host a Super Bowl. Activists suggested that this legislation could cost Georgia billions of dollars in revenues as companies and events withdrew from the state.

Remember, all of this manufactured outrage was over not forcing pastors and churches to participate in same-sex "weddings" that violate their religious beliefs.

Sep 5-9 WQPH Radio sponsoring a pilgrimage to EWTN in Alabama. Details Mary Ann Harold

God Bless America

Jay G.
Prayer Needs; Sara Ross, Antonin Scalia RIP, Jim Tisdell RIP, Doan family, Rebecca with breast cancer, Mary Agnes thyroid, Camille cancer, Pricilla infection, Michelle Kenny 37 stage 4 cancers, Aline, a Congolese mom of a 2-year-old and a 36-week preemie is in bed with a corset. She has tuberculosis of the spine and is at home, with VNA care and her husband Claude, hwo had to stop working to take care of her. Peg O’Shea RIP, 5 year old Andrew...brain tumor, Johanna Freeman pneumonia, Alec Michael testicular cancer, Fr. Rocco Piccolomini & Monsignor Tinsley RIP, Cheryl for full recovery after successful brain surgery, Brian for moral support, Refugees Martin Djaibe & Alice Kotambai, Ryan for spiritual protection, 8-year-old Isabel recovering from surgery for a Cesotomy, Abby suicidal, Danielle & her baby Anthony, Jodie, Emily's return home and the Lord's help

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