Apr 1 Fri 8:00pm 1st Friday Mass celebrated by Father Miguel A. Pagan, Asst. Chaplain, Pastoral Care at St. Vincent Hospital, followed by adoration until 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Michael Roy of St. Roch’s. Everyone is welcomed. All Adoration hours could use backup. Scheduled Adorers 9PM – Chris T. 10PM - Julie S - Paul T. 11PM – Julie S, 12 AM midnight – Fran., 1AM –Carol 2AM – open 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Eileen 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Chris & Mike (Last time as they are moving to NH, thanks) , Adrian 7AM – Kathy L., Marcia G. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.
Could really use some help in the middle of the night.
Apr 2 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Michael Roy, and
11am confessions Our Lady of Mercy with noon 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Fr. Alex Joseph at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church, June St. Worc. Info contact Shower of Roses 508.835.2828
Apr 2 Sat MCFL convention, Assumption College; Catherine Adair, Mark Rollo MD, Kathy Hill
Fr. Pagan is looking to have a prayer group come together to pray for our Country and the up-coming election, possibly last Friday of the month.
Apr 3 Divine Mercy Sunday – 2-4pm St. Mary’s on Waterville St. N.Grafton, reconciliation, rosary, sing the Divine Mercy Chaplet in front of the Blessed Sacrament 3pm
Apr 3 Sun 3pm Divine Mercy Devotion; Adoration, Rosary, Chaplet, Consecration, Benediction & Confession after Service, St. Joseph in Auburn
Apr 3 Sun 1pm Divine Mercy at Our Lady of Mercy parish, 341 June St., Worcester, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction. Confessions 1- 2:45p.m.,
Mass at 4p.m. All welcome. Info call Pat at 508-835-2828.
Help Distribute Stop the Bathroom Bill Flyers, e-mail Robert@renewmacoalition.org
End common Core in MA
Republican and Democrat town committees are having reorganizational meetings April 1-10. If you belong to a town committee please bring some push cards to your next meeting to distribute.
We will be door knocking every weekend in April, Saturdays 10-2 and Sundays 12-4. We need drivers and walkers. You don't have to live in the town we are knocking in to participate. Please check out the schedule of days and towns below.
Dates Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4
April 2nd Chicopee Leominster Stoneham Hingham Stoneham
April 3rd Templeton Milford Groton Wrentham, South Boston
April 9th Holyoke Westford Newbury Quincy
April 10th Westminster Marlborough N Reading Dartmouth, West Roxbury
April 16th Wilbraham Westboro Danvers Attleboro
April 17th Templeton/Orange Lowell Methuen Wareham
April 23 West Springfield Fitchburg Ipswich Weymouth
April 24 Gardner Shrewsbury North Andover Marshfield
April 30 Athol/Orange Maynard Haverhill Plainville
May 1 Leicester Holden Reading Norwell Reading
We're planning another big signature drive the weekend of May 5th, 6th, and 7th. Yes, it's Mother's Day weekend but what more could a mother want than to save her kids from the Common Core nightmare? Please let us know where, when and what time you can collect signatures.
If you can help with any of these projects, PLEASE e-mail me.
Thank you! Donna Colorio
Apr 4 Mon 10am - Join Bishop McManus and students from our Catholic schools for the annual Mass for Life on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, Monday, April 4, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, 38 High St. Worcester. All are welcome!
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has become the latest example of a cowardly Republican who has thrown people of faith to the wolves by vetoing extremely modest religious liberty legislation (HB 757) that would have protected pastors, churches and religious groups from having to participate in same-sex 'weddings' or host them in their facilities. Deal's action makes it open season on Christians, churches and other people of faith who do not want to be personally forced to be a part of a same-sex ceremony that they oppose on religious grounds.
Ask GA LEGISLATORS to Override GOVERNOR'S Capitulation To LGBT Extremists
Apr 5 Tue WI primary, Cruz expected win would be a real hit to Trump momentum
Apr 9 Sat 10am Mass Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Gratoratti or Fr. Salvinskas from St. Joe’s Charlton
Apr 16 Sat 10am Mass celebrated by Fr. Reid, Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Prayerful sidewalk protest after mass about 9am
Catholic Vote endorses Ted Cruz for President.
- Senator Cruz has consistently defended the First Amendment right to religious liberty. As Solicitor General of Texas, Ted Cruz argued in favor of a Ten Commandments display in court. The case eventually led to a Supreme Court victory for religious expression.
- Cruz has promised to investigate Planned Parenthood and stop once and for all the taxpayer giveaway of hundreds of millions of dollars every year to the abortion giant.
- Cruz has a plan to lower taxes for everyone, abolish the IRS, and repeal job-killing regulations that hurt workers and small businesses.
- Cruz understands the qualities necessary for Supreme Court justices that will obey the Constitution.
- Cruz has never wavered in his support of the rights of those working to create a marriage culture.
Apr 23 Sat 10 Mass with Fr. Cardinale in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 9-11am #ProtestPlanned Parenthood event on the sidewalk
Apr 16 Sat 10am Mass celebrated by Fr. Reid, Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Prayerful sidewalk protest after mass about 9am
Apr 23 Sat 10 Mass with Fr. Cardinale in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 9-11am #ProtestPlanned Parenthood event on the sidewalk
Sep 5-9 WQPH Radio sponsoring a pilgrimage to EWTN in Alabama. Details Mary Ann Harold
God Bless America
Jay G.
Prayer Needs; Sara Ross, Antonin Scalia RIP, Jim Tisdell RIP, Doan family, Rebecca with breast cancer, Mary Agnes thyroid, Camille cancer, Pricilla infection, Michelle Kenny 37 stage 4 cancers, Aline, a Congolese mom of a 2-year-old and a 36-week preemie is in bed with a corset. She has tuberculosis of the spine and is at home, with VNA care and her husband Claude, hwo had to stop working to take care of her. Peg O’Shea RIP, 5 year old Andrew...brain tumor, Johanna Freeman pneumonia, Alec Michael testicular cancer, Fr. Rocco Piccolomini & Monsignor Tinsley RIP, Cheryl for full recovery after successful brain surgery, Brian for moral support, Refugees Martin Djaibe & Alice Kotambai, Ryan for spiritual protection, 8-year-old Isabel recovering from surgery for a Cesotomy, Abby suicidal, Danielle & her baby Anthony, Jodie, Emily's return home and the Lord's help
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