Despite the media news black-out, there were several Traditional Marriage victories in 2012
Jan 4, 2013 8pm – Mass with Fr. Richard Jakabouskas in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration. Scheduled Adorers 8:30 PM – Nina T. 9PM - Chris T. 10PM – Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - Eileen D, 12 AM midnight – Shawn 1AM – Jim R 2AM – Fran W 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 - Mike & Chris 7AM – Kathy. All hours could use backup.
Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.
Jan 5, Sat 2013 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Michael Roy.
Jan 5, 11am-1pm 1st Sat Devotion, Confession and Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church on Lincoln St. in Worcester
Life Decisions International, LDI coordinates boycotts and letter writing campaigns against Corporations that donate to Planned Parenthood, so far 281 Corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood to the tune of $41 Million. The first week of new year the LDI Pro-Life Letter writing campaign targets: J.P. Morgan Chase – Mr. James S. Dimon, Chm.&CEO, J.P.Morgan Chase & Co., 270 Park Ave, 35th Floor, New York, NY, 10017-2070, 212-270-6000
Sample Letter
Jan 12 Sat 10am Mass to save babies in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel with Fr. Nick Desimone, then prayers on the sidewalk.
DAILY REFLECTIONS: 40 Years of Roe v. Wade - 40 Days of Reflection and Prayer
MYTH: The U.S. abortion rate is relatively low
FACT: It is among the highest of all developed countries in the world. In 173 the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade deemed "every [abortion] law - even the most liberal - as unconstitutional."
Jan 19 Sat 8am Mass to save babies with Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Jan 19 Sat 8AM Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.
Jan 24 7:30pm Mass for Life at Cathedral of St. Paul in Worcester. Busses leave after mass for the March for Life in Washington DC the next day. $85/seat.
Jan 25th 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade decision to repeal all laws retracting abortion in any manner as unconstitutional. March for Life in Washington DC
Jan 26 Sat 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Ken Cardinale, Problem Pregnancy Chapel
Feb 1 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass & adoration
Feb 2 Sat 1st Saturday Mass
Jay G.
Prayer Needs
MassResistance fights to protect parent’s rights and Traditional marriage, but they need your help.
Here is their synopsis of bills that need to be filed in the Massachusetts Legislature this year:
1. David Parker Parents' Rights "Opt-In" Bill: This is a "strong" opt-in bill that truly protects children and their parents, without loopholes, from the hardcore homosexual and transgender programs being pushed at them currently in the schools, as well as general sex education.
Most parents have no idea their kids are involved in programs like these. And the schools want to keep it that way!
2. Bill protecting schoolchildren from intrusive surveys. Right now, schoolchildren are regularly being asked to fill out surveys that often include questions about sexual and homosexual activity, drug use, criminal activity, personal questions about family members, suicide feelings, etc. Many of these include "leading" questions designed to elicit certain answers. Some districts may be administering surveys for "mental health screenings" as well. Right now there is no protection from this. This would make all such surveys "opt-in" by parents.
3. Bill repealing the Buffer Zone around abortion clinics. This unconstitutional law needs to be repealed.
4. Bill disbanding the Commission on GLBT Youth. This horrible state-funded "commission" spends millions of dollars pushing homosexual and transgender programs in the public schools, and directs teens to dangerous organizations such as BAGLY or GLSEN events. It includes some of the most notorious activists in the state, including men dressed as women (with unnatural breasts) and women dressed as men (with breasts removed, and hormone-induced facial hair).
5. Bill repealing the Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes law. Among other things, this outrageous and onerous law (which was passed last year) requires schools to treat boys dressing as girls as if they were actual girls, including use of female locker rooms and restrooms, and participation on girls' athletic teams (and vice versa).. Schools can't say no to a cross-dressing or transsexual teacher (and there are fines & punishment for anybody who complains).
6. Bill repealing the Anti-Bullying Law. This law was drafted by radical homosexual and other special-interest groups to promote their programs in the schools. Even the Boston Globe has admitted it will have little effect on actual bullying. It is so onerous, expensive, and unconstitutional, that to our knowledge few schools actually follow it anyway. It needs to be scrapped and the real problems re-visited.
7. Bill to repeal the law that exempts schools from anti-pornography statute (allowing distribution of materials harmful to children). Currently, schools are exempt from the statutes protecting children from pornography and other harmful materials. Unfortunately, this has become a terrible problem in many schools. Parents and children need protection.
8. Bill to include the Legislature in state open meeting laws. Unbelievably, the legislature exempts itself and its committees and commissions from the state's open meeting laws. Thus, there are a lot of secret meetings that normally wouldn't be allowed. But also, the Commission on GLBT Youth and similar state groups regularly keep parents away and/or intimidate them if they come. This needs to stop.
These important bills won't get filed without help from people like you. PLEASE email us back if you can spare any time over the next few weeks.
Battle Ready is the term Doug Barry, of EWTN's Life on the Rock, is using to motivate Catholic men to stand up for their Faith.
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