Aug 11, 2012


Entitlement Reform will become the operative phrase as we run up to the Presidential election, and with the selection by Presidential candidate Mitt Romney of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his vice presidential running mate, this phrase should also be seen as code to Pro-Lifers and supporters of Traditional marriage of our best hope in the coming election. Rep. Ryan is a polite, thoughtful, dedicated family man who understands well the Catholic principle of Subsidiarity, as well as the coming budgetary apocalypse that will result as our Government continues to attempt to give out more money in entitlements to U.S. citizens than this same government takes in from fees and tax revenues. I know social conservatives want to put social issues front and center during this election, and I would simply say that the best way to do this is to vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket at the National Level, and vote for every Pro-Life and Pro-Traditional family candidate at all other levels. As Bishop William Lori has pointed out, Catholics should not support a candidate who promotes intrinsic evils, such as abortion on demand (funded by tax dollars). We know the HHS mandate is an attack on religious liberty, and we know that the current administration strongly supports not just abortion-on-demand, but government funding of what they erroneously see as a 'right'.
You cannot support the current president, but as Deidrick Bonhoffer reminded us, not to say something is saying something, and not to do something is doing something. You should not sit out this election on the sidelines; that would be supporting a candidate who promotes an intrinsic evil as a right.

Aug 13 Mon 7pm: “A Vast Company of Witnesses: The Communion of Saints” Catholicism series at Christ the King

Stay tuned for the Democrats National Platform, which will include the ‘rights’ to same-sex marriage as well as the ‘right’ to abortion. Remember that in 2008 they changed their platform on abortion from “safe, legal and rare” to just “safe and legal.”

Aug 18 Sat 8AM Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.

Aug 18 Sat 8AM Mass to “save babies through prayer” in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, celebrated by Fr. Adam Reid, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Webster. Prayer vigil protest on 470 Pleasant St. in front of Planned Parenthood in Worcester follows.

The Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute monitors the anti-Life and anti-family tactics of politicians and NGOs at the United Nations. Read the latest attempts by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights pressuring for the acceptance of Special Rights for the LGBT community.

Aug 20 Mon 7pm: “The Fire of His Love: Prayer and the Life of the Spirit” Catholicism series at Christ the King

Aug 25 Sat 10am Mass at Problem Pregnancy Chapel with Fr. Cardinale. Prayer Vigil protest on Pleasant. Aug 25 Sat 10am-Noon DaTechGuy on DaRadio on radio station WCRN, 830 AM - every Saturday. DaTechGuy is also DaProLifeGuy

Bob Evans Restaurants no longer on the LDI Pro-Life Boycott list. They even sent me a $5 coupon.

Boy Scouts again under attack for not allowing openly homosexual Scout Masters. Stand with them.

Aug 26 1-6pm – Nazareth Home, St. Paul’s Parish picnic, swimming, food, games, $5individual/$20family
br /> Aug 27 Mon 7pm: “World Without End: The Last Things” Christ the King

Sep 7 Fri - First Friday Mass in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. with Fr. Gallagher, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration. Scheduled Adorers 8:30 PM – Nina T. 9PM - Chris T. 10PM – Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - Eileen D, 12 AM midnight – Shawn 1AM – Jim R 2AM – Fran W 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 - Mike & Chris 7AM - Kathy All hours could use backup. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.

Sep 8 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass, Problem Pregnancy chapel followed by Prayer Vigil Protest outside on the sidewalk in front of or across from Planned Parenthood, 472 Pleasant St. Worc
No 1st Saturday at Our Lady of Mercy

Sep 10 Mon - Christ The King Parish, Pleasant St. Worc, Novena, honoring... St. Joseph, the Patron of a Happy Death!
This annual parish novena will be celebrated on nine successive Monday evenings this fall. It begins on Monday, September 10, at 7:15 p.m. (concluding by 8:00 p.m. each night), and continues through Monday, November 5. Each evening will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. A short homily will be given each evening and the novena prayers recited by all the people.
The novena, which is open to all who wish to come - from any parish - will seek the intercession of St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of a Happy Death, a very old devotion in the Church. Across our City and region thousands of people are seriously ill and thousands die each year. Our prayer will be directed for them in a special way, and for all their caregivers as well.
The novena, in this its first year, will include prayers that the citizens of Massachusetts turn down doctor-prescribed suicide at the polls this November. We should bring love, care, prayer, hope and proper pain management to family members, and not help them to end their lives through suicide

Sep 15 Sat 8am Mass Problem Pregnancy chapel celebrated by Fr. Adam Reid, prayer vigil protest to follow on Pleasant St.

Bill McCarthy is the Pro-Life State Rep candidate in the Worcester 14th/W.Boylston district. Time to throw out Pro-abortion, Pro-Same-Sex Marriage incumbent Jim O'Day

Brian O’Malley is the Pro-Life Pro-Traditional Marriage State Rep candidate in the Worcester 15th district

Jay G.
Prayer Needs;

Election Nov 6, 2012, you’ll be voting on a BINDING referendum question on Doctor Prescribed Suicide.

The Dark side of same-sex parenting, and what really happened at the LGBT Kiss-in at Chick-fil-A, updated booklet “What Same-Sex Marriage has done to Massachusetts”

1 comment :

JayG said...

Received an email from a Pro-Lifer who disagreed with my endorsement: "Jay, I understand nobody wants Obama - neither do I. We all know Romney's history in MA, especially with his instituting same-sex marriage against the MA state constitution. MassResistance has done a great report on Romney, not only on his pro-homosexual record but his dismal record on life issues as well. His MA healthcare plan funds abortions with tax dollars. He also is not a licit choice for any Catholic to vote for. He is *no better* than Obama - **no better.**I read a report in Mother Jones that he profited from a company that disposed of aborted children's bodies. After what happened with the morning after pill in MA and Romney forcing town clerks to issue same-sex marriage licenses, as well as taxpayer funded abortion in MA, I have no confidence that he cares one whit about religious liberty.I can't in good conscience vote for either candidate, so I'm writing in Ron Paul"