2016: Obama’s America, the movie that exposes how Hope and Change means something radically different, by best selling author Dinesh D'Souza is playing at the Showcase North in Worcester, Regal at Solomon Pond Mall in Marlboro, and Cinimaworld in Fitchburg.
Aug 27 Mon 7pm: “World Without End: The Last Things” Christ the King
Sep 1 Sat - NO MASS
Election Nov 6, 2012, you’ll be voting on a BINDING referendum question on Doctor Prescribed Suicide.
Liking the effort on Facebook:
Following the Campaign on Twitter:
Why vote No on Question 2: Eligibility is based on a six-month life expectancy. But doctors agree these estimates are often wrong. Individuals outlive their prognoses by months or even years. Question 2 will lead people to give up on treatment and lose good years of their lives.
If this passes...IT WILL BECOME LAW.
Sep 5 Wed 7-9:30pm The Pro-Life and Adult Faith Formation Ministries of the Grafton Catholic Community will host a panel presentation, “Catholics and Dying: Hear the Truth About End-of-Life Issues”, St. James Parish Center, 89 Main St., South Grafton. Speakers include Dr. Paul Carpentier, Msgr. Peter Beaulieu, Atty. Henry Luthin, and Allison LeDoux, who will discuss Catholic teaching on end-of-life concerns and address the proposed law on physician-assisted suicide that will be on the Massachusetts ballot this November. ALL ARE WELCOME
On Wednesday August 15, The Family Research Council, FRC was the target of what the FBI is calling an act of domestic terrorism. A gunman, identified as Floyd Corkins, invaded our headquarters in Washington, D.C. armed with a 9mm pistol, approximately 50 rounds of ammunition, and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. The gunman was confronted by an unarmed member of the FRC staff, Leo Johnson. When the gunman pulled the gun from his backpack and aimed the weapon at Leo, Leo moved toward the gunman to disarm him. Despite being shot in the process, Leo was able to subdue the shooter and call for others on the staff, who helped admirably. One of the investigators, based on their preliminary findings, told me Leo's actions saved a lot of lives.
Sep 7 Fri - First Friday Mass in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. with Fr. Gallagher, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration. Scheduled Adorers 8:30 PM – Nina T. 9PM - Chris T. 10PM – Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - Eileen D, 12 AM midnight – Shawn 1AM – Jim R 2AM – Fran W 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 - Mike & Chris 7AM – Kathy. All hours could use backup. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.
Sep 8 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass (on the Second Saturday of September), Problem Pregnancy chapel followed by Prayer Vigil Protest outside on the sidewalk in front of or across from Planned Parenthood, 472 Pleasant St. Worc
No 1st Saturday at Our Lady of Mercy
Pro-Lifers should consider no longer supporting the American Cancer Society because of their involvement in human cloning (by the better sounding name embryonic stem cell research, ESCR). LifeNews and American Life League list other reasons why “Pro-Life People Should Avoid the American Cancer Society”
Sep 10 Mon - Christ The King Parish, Pleasant St. Worc, Novena, honoring...
St. Joseph, the Patron of a Happy Death!
This annual parish novena will be celebrated on nine successive Monday evenings this fall. It begins on Monday, September 10, at 7:15 p.m. (concluding by 8:00 p.m. each night), and continues through Monday, November 5. Each evening will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. A short homily will be given each evening and the novena prayers recited by all the people.
The novena, which is open to all who wish to come - from any parish - will seek the intercession of St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of a Happy Death, a very old devotion in the Church. Across our City and region thousands of people are seriously ill and thousands die each year. Our prayer will be directed for them in a special way, and for all their caregivers as well.
The novena, in this its first year, will include prayers that the citizens of Massachusetts turn down doctor-prescribed suicide at the polls this November. We should bring love, care, prayer, hope and proper pain management to family members, and not help them to end their lives through suicide
Sep 15 Sat 8am Mass to “save babies through prayer” in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, celebrated by Fr. Adam Reid, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Webster. Prayer vigil protest on 470 Pleasant St. in front of Planned Parenthood in Worcester follows.
Sep 15 Sat 8AM Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.
What’s wrong with government?
In 1964 the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) declared that states could not means-test to determine unemployment eligibility. As a result, in 2009 there were 2,362 tax filers with Adjusted Gross Incomes of $1 million or more who legally received unemployment benefits that same year, totaling $20.8 Million in Federal unemployment compensation an average of $8,806 per millionaire. In other words, 2362 millionaires got unemployment checks in 2009. 2,840 Millionaires got unemployment in 2008.
Sep 22 Sat 10am Mass at Problem Pregnancy Chapel with Fr. Cardinale. Prayer Vigil protest on Pleasant.
Sep 22 Sat 10am-Noon DaTechGuy on DaRadio on radio station WCRN, 830 AM - every Saturday. DaTechGuy is also DaProLifeGuy
Oct 13 Sat 10am Mass Fr. Adam Reid - A change in Celebrant only
Oct 20 Sat 10am Mass Fr. Robert Grattaroti (changed from 8am).
Bill McCarthy is the Pro-Life State Rep candidate in the Worcester 14th/W.Boylston district. Time to throw out Pro-abortion, Pro-Same-Sex Marriage incumbent Jim O'Day
Brian O’Malley is the Pro-Life Pro-Traditional Marriage State Rep candidate in the Worcester 15th district
Jay G.
Prayer Needs;
Oklahoma is the only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election...Oklahoma passed, 37 to 9 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol, HB 1330. Oklahoma recently passed a state law to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and send them back to where they illegally emigrated from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen, HB 1804.
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