Jan 15, 2008

March for Life

The March for Life is Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008 in Washington DC.
Buses will leave St. Paul’s Cathedral in Worcester, MA for the March for Life after a 7PM Mass on Monday January 21, arriving in DC in the early morning. Buses will leave DC around 4-5PM Tuesday, arriving back in Worcester after midnight.

Buses for Springfield area


Jerry said...

A bit off the post subject...

How do you folks in MA view Mitt Romney? Just for your unique perspective.

Anonymous said...

As the Republican version of Senator Kerry in this respect: has changed his position on abortion as often as Kerry has on Iraq. Also, too mechanical in his demeanor. Sort of like Max Headroom. Or Charley McCarthy? The real question for me is: who is it that has their hand down their back and is controlling the, well, you know....

Anonymous said...

I know this is also off topic, and I apologize. But I offer it for edification purposes.

Peace of Christ,
John Ansley

Anonymous said...

The link didn't take..here it is:

JayG said...

Even if I give credit to Mitt for his conversion to Pro-Life, he still presided over the Bluest of the Blue states, he appointed not only openly gay judges, but judges who publicly espoused a gay and transgendered judicial agenda. Check out www.massresistance.org for details.

His economic development team gave money to Planned Parenthood for building their new Monster Abortion mill on Pleasant St. in Worcester, though Mitt may not have known about it. After the Goodrich decision where the State Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples, Mitt ordered the department of health to follow the Court ruling.

Is that the kind of leadership you want in Washington? Is that they guy you want making appointments to the Supreme Court?

Jerry said...

Thank you, JayG. That is the kind of first-hand or near-at-hand knowledge that i was seeking.

The appointment of constitutionalist judges, and the reining in of the judicial system is, in my opinion, the foremost topic politically. That is where legalized abortion and same-sex 'marriage' came from, and that is where the (political) solution must come from, if there is one.

Thanks again. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Jay, great info on Mitt.
It looks like the Catholic voter will be the situation of "voting for the lesser of two evils".

The democrats are out altogether.
The republicans-- between McCain and Thompson if he gets into the race.

Jerry said...

McCain?? You can't be serious. McCain is the guy who sabotaged the effort to buck the Dems' illegal filibuster of conservative judge appointments, remember?

As i opined above, the judicial fiasco is the premier issue politically. No good trying to elect Pro-life candidates if the courts rewrite all the laws to suit their liberal fancy.

With McCain in office, we might just as well have Clinton back (or again).

Jerry said...

Btw, i think i heard Thompson is out of the race now, too.

I think Alan Keyes is still in, though he never gets mentioned. He's my first choice.

I know little of Huckabee, but if he carries out half of what he's promising, he'd be OK, too.

Anonymous said...

I think seeking salvation from politics will always have disastruous consequences. Until we return to God as a nation, our politics will always remain bankrupt. There is not one candidate who excites me. Al Smith, where are you when we need you.

Anonymous said...

McCain is hardly the solution. And he appears to be softening in his opposition to abortion:


Anonymous said...

Now that Thompson is out, and that McCain is softening on abortion, this leaves Mitt and Huckabee. There may be a chance of others, but who?

Anonymous said...

Pat Buchanan anyone....I can dream can't I? But as soon as he were to announce his bid, the tired (not to mention slanderous - he has Jewish friends, some of whom are Rabbis) old accusations of anti-Semitism would emerge.

That "pesky old" Commandment about not bearing false witness would be left by the roadside faster than William Jefferson Clinton could swallow a Whopper.

Jerry said...

I feel i should apologize for pulling this away from the original post subject. If anyone cares to keep discussing politics, you are welcome to mosey over to my blog post here which is on that very subject.

Anonymous said...

MSenator McCain accepted money from a notorious abortion provider:
