Nov 28, 2007

Coming soon...

A 1982 US Supreme Court decision said "An institution seeking tax exempt status must serve a public purpose and not be contrary to established public policy. To warrant exemption under 501(c)(3), an institution must fall within a category specified in that section and must demonstrably serve and be in harmony with the public interest." (Bob Jones University v. United States, 461 US 574 (1982)). Thus was Bob Jones University prevented from prohibiting inter-racial dating. Most would agree that dating should not be subject to racial criteria.

Fast forward to 2004 and now gays and lesbians have the civil right to marry in Massachusetts. Most do not equate being gay or lesbian with being black.

The Bob Jones University case is a precedent in which an activist judge could find a "public interest" in upholding the "civil right" to marry someone of the same sex, and which could lead to a denial of tax-exempt status to organizations that oppose same-sex marriage. Thus would Churches, and Synagogues, and Mosques be threatened with economic sanctions if they do not remain silent on the Judeo-Christian and Islamic prohibitions against homosexual relations.

It's only a matter of time.


Anonymous said...

Why is this website so focused on homosexuals? I would have thought a Catholic website would be more ballanced than this. Aren't you giving them too much attention?

Anonymous said...

This site is not "focused" on homosexuals.
This Catholic website is balanced on the side of the truth.
If anyone is giving homosexuals attentention, it is the homosexuals themselves that are doing so.

Anonymous said...

Dimitri, this might help to explain our concern:


Jay, Paul is taking on Keene State College on this. He would greatly appreciate any assistance you might be able to offer.

Anonymous said...

Paul Melanson's response to Mr. Tom White of the Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies at Keene State College:


Jerry said...

I find it entirely appropriate for a Catholic blog headquartered in MA to have much to say against militant homosexuality, as MA is a de facto battleground state.

On that note, have you kept up with the infamous David Parker legal case? You made mention of it in its early stages. Tomorrow (Dec 5, 2007) an important hearing takes place. Sorry I didn't give you more of a heads up; I only just now learned of it.

You can learn more at

Keep on doing what you're doing; it's important.

Pax et bonum.

Anonymous said...

Keene State College is using the Holocaust to advance the radical homosexual agenda. Visit: http://lasalettejourney.

And he is being openly attacked at the Keene Sentinel Blog for asking some very difficult questions and for requesting that the Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies at Keene State College issue an apology for anti-Catholic comments which came from the Center's Director Mr. Henry F. Knight.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul eloquently defends his position on the life issues.

Two interesting points here.

1. One of the interviewers aggressively attacks Ron Paul with the false dilemma of "Who are you going to put in jail, the woman seeking an abortion or her doctor!" Ron Paul answers with humility and a strong dose of reality. He is a passionate defender of life. This line of questioning reveals just how impoverished the thinking is on the pro-abortion advocacy side of things.

2. He says that the only way that embryonic research might be morally acceptable is when you have an ectopic pregnancy that threatens the life of the mother. Invoking the natural law principle of double effect, the action that seeks to save the mother's life results (in an unwanted fashion) with the death of the child. In this limited scope, Ron Paul suggests that it might be morally acceptable for that embryo to be reserved for research purposes.

This exchange shows how deeply informed Ron Paul is with natural law arguments on the life issue. But more so, how deeply he holds them.

Posted by Catholics for Ron Paul at 8:27 PM