Dec 8, 2007

End Game: silence Moral-based dissent

The November 5th Catholic Free Press editorial by Dan Avila on the Acquittal of Larry Cirignano summed up the good result from what began as an ugly smear campaign by the Pro-homosexual marriage forces. As many people know, Larry escorted ACLU board member Sarah Loy back into the crowd after she stood in front of the Podium at the Vote on Marriage Rally last December 16, holding her pro-same-sex marriage sign. When Ms. Loy was out of reach of Cirignano she tripped over a 13-year olds foot. Everyone who believes in Democracy and Freedom of speech should thank 13-year old Lauren and her mother for testifying against this obviously trumped-up attempt to silence the voices supporting the democratic process and Traditional Marriage between a man and a woman.

Sadly, I have come to expect this double-standard from the ACLU, a group allegedly so dedicated to Free speech rights that they have defended the rights of Neo-Nazi groups to hold public parades, yet they protest and attempt to silence Vote on when we held a rally in defense of the democratic process and traditional marriage. The more ominous question remains: Why did Worcester police spokesperson Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst claim in the media that Larry Cirignano admitted to pushing Sarah Loy down when in fact he did no such thing? Is there such a thing as a coordinated misunderstanding?

This trumped up distraction gave cover to the same-sex marriage lobby political arm-twisting that derailed the Vote on Marriage Petition drive and left Massachusetts as the only State in the Union with a coerced and manufactured Right to redefine Marriage. We should remember this at election time.

1 comment :

Coconut Country Living said...

What does this have to do with End Game? Blueprint for World domination???