Dec 16, 2006

Worcester Marriage Rally

The Rally went very well. All of our speakers sounded great, and we outnumbered the same-sex union group by at least 200 for us, and maybe 50-60 for them. They tried to drown us out, but failed as our sound system was really strong. They tried to stand in the middle of us, but were removed by the cops. Once a young woman stood right in the middle of the front of our crowd, holding a gay sign, which she could not do as we have the permit. Larry Cirgano from MA Catholic Citizen went right over to her and escorted her back through the crown - she started moving fast, stepped on another girls foot, then took a dive like you'd see in Big time wrestling, went down into the fetal position, waited for her buddies to come over, then got up crying, trying to blame Larry for assaulting her. It was unbelievable! But the cops investigated, and did not arrest Larry, and made the girl get back behind our crowd.
Chris Mineau, head of, is a war vet, fighter pilot who served in Vietnam and the first Gulf war. He lost some very good friends, and once had to eject at supersonic speed - and needed six years to heal from the injuries. He made an impact when he said that he knew the cost of freedom. That was the focus of our message, that in this country, we have a constitution, and our freedom was paid for in blood, and to paraphrase Ray Flynn, that for our legislators to forsake their oath of office, and ignore their sworn constitutional duties, is not only wrong, but is dangerous. And even if those on the other side disagree with our position on same-sex unions, if the Legislature can ignore the Constition and thumb their noses at us, they can do it to them too.


Anonymous said...

It's Kris Mineau, not Chris.

Can't you even spell the name of your own "leader" correctly?

Just asking.

Anonymous said...

Please see this link that show an Iranian girl whom like other girls in islamic lands had be harmed by islamic police or had be harmed by islamic people because her topcoat were not like some model who Islamic Government had determined by Quran!

Many Iranian People do not like Islam but government Kill and harm them.

قال زهرا بنت رسول الله از جهنم:

خداوند فرمود بواسته دروغی که برخدا بسته ام و خود را بانوی برگزیده خدا درجهان نام نهادم و چادر بسر کردن را بر زنان جهان اجباری کردم و چون به خاطر گناه زهرا بنت رسول و پدرش و خاندانش بر زنان ایران ستم می شود و دختران را کتک می زنند.

خداوند امر کرده زهرای بنت رسول درجهنم کسش باز شده و اهل جهنم و بهشت بر کس او می رینند و زهدان حضرت زهرا پر از گوه شده .
و مکرو و مکرالله

حزب مبارزه با ستم اسلامگرایان (فاکرین حزب الله ) اعلام کرد چون ریشه همه بدبختی های ملت ایران و جهان اسلام است به ازای هر ظلم به هر ایرانی میلیون ها کیر خر و کیر خوک و ...کامنتی به کس و کون آل محمد رسول الله روانه خواهد کرد.

کیر و سنده خوک تو کس حضرت زهرا بنت رسول الله

به حزب ما بپیوندید و کامنت دونی ها را پر از آنچه شایسته آل محمد است کنید.

کسانی که به زبان های خارجه مسلط هستند کامنت دونی های وبلاگ های خارجی را مستفیض فرمایند.

هرکس روزانه در 10 وبلاگ انگلیسی زبان یا عرب زبان آنچه شایسته محمد رسول الله است را بنویسد تا خارجی ها متوجه علاقه ایرانیان به اسلام شوند. اگر فقط1000000 نفر هم از حزب ما استقبال کنند بزودی اکثر سایت های دارای رنکینگ اینترنت پر از ابراز نفرت ایرانیان نسبت به اسلام خواهد شد.

برای خلیج فارس بمب گوگلی درست کردید که چرا دریای فارس را عرب کرده اند فرهنگ عرب حاصل تفکر محمد رسول الله پست تر از شیطان و حیوان را به فرهنگ درخشان 2500 ساله ایرانی برگزیده اید؟ نگرانید که چرا خلیج فارس را عرب نام گذاشته اند ولی ناراحت نیستید که از بیخ عربتان کرده اند؟

ستاد حزب مبارزه با ستم اسلامگرایان.
و نحن الفاکرین الغالبون
We will have all hizbolla women fucked by dogs.
Now God say, "you must fucked Mohammad and Quran by send message to all people of world.
This message sent from Iran"