Aug 2, 2006

The Militia with a Country

Could even the Almighty Himself be still, or hold His peace, while the enemies of the Israelites make their Katushya rocket noise from Tyre in Lebanon? How long could Israel be expected to let its people die as these Katushya missiles from Southern Lebanon rain down on Tel Aviv? Missiles fired by that Militia with a country, Hezbollah – whom the impotent United Nations says, under resolution 1559, must disarm while in Lebanon.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, acting on his loathing and hostility towards Israel, essentially has said let us destroy Israel, that they be not a nation. Nasrallah has taken a malicious counsel with the Iranians, who build the Katushya rockets, and with Syria, whose airports serve as conduits for a steady stream of these Iranian rockets. Nasrallah, the Syrians and the Iranians do this so that the name of Israel might be remembered no more. A 1992 Hezbollah declaration vows that, “It is an open war until the elimination of Israel and until the death of the last Jew on earth.

Yet Israel is a legal country, reconstituted when the British, under United Nations auspices, divided the Trans-Jordan in 1947, and coordinated compensation for the displaced land owners within Israel. Yet Hezbollah will not rest until they have conquered the sanctuary of Israel for their own inheritance. The main reason there is no peace in the Middle East is because men like Nasrallah, Assad and Ahmadinejad won’t allow peace until Israel is destroyed and all Jews are dead or dispersed.


Anonymous said...

I support the Israelies continuing to destroy those who attack them. This is self defense and completely
acceptable. Why would they ever consider a cease fire? Recent history shows that terrorists take advantage of the weak. The United Nations is ineffective and certainly has shown a bias towards
terrorist factions of Islam. Thanks for "The Militia with a Country". You do know the Pope disagrees. adm

JayG said...

The Pope always has to argue for peace, that's his job. The question for us becomes how do we deal with an intractable enemy, such as Hezbollah in this case?

And the UN is basically for peace through statis - they won't change any regime no matter how corrupt, no matter how much the people in the country suffer. Then after collecting together a bunch of self-appointed dictators, they only insist on Democracy at the UN, not in countries like Saudi Arabia or Sudan.