Aug 5, 2006

Beating up a Bishop

Lawyer and Worcester County District Attorney Candidate Daniel Shea's most famous client, Sime Braio, passed away recently. David Clohessy of Survivor's Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP wrote a letter to the Worcester Telegram Editor this morning eulogizing Braio and calling him "brave" for reporting "the sexual abuse he experienced by a Catholic Bishop."

Considering that;
1 - no criminal charges were ever even filed, let alone prosecuted,
2 - Braio himself withdrew his civil suit against Bishop Rueger without prejudice and without even telling his lawyer D. Shea and
3 - absolutely no one else has come forward with any similar charges against the Bishop,
I think Clohessey speaks too much.

But then again, the fact that even the T&G, no friend of the Worcester Diocese, relegated Clohessey’s letter to Saturday - the day of lowest circulation, aka "Pro-Life" letter to the Editor Day, speaks for itself.

Thank God for small miracles.

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