Apr 25, 2006

Theology of Garofoli's good books

May 10, 2004

fax: 508 793-9313

Denise Boucher Garofoli gets Catholic theology wrong when she asks in her letter to the editor, “who would dare to contradict the teachings of Jesus by withholding the Eucharist from anyone?” (T&G 5/8/04) Garofoli is correct that Jesus did not come to condemn, but individuals still condemn themselves, as Jesus also said, “by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”

Withholding the Eucharist to an obstinate and public sinner is not a judgment by a priest, bishop or the pope, condemning the man, for the man has already condemned himself by his own words. Withholding the Eucharist is an act of tough-love, to get the attention of the obstinate sinner and help him to save himself. This act of tough-love also prevents scandal amongst the other faithful, something critically necessary today.

Catholic theology treats the Eucharist as the actual, physical body and blood of Jesus, not some symbol or sign, which is why St. Paul reminded the Corinthians that anyone who eats the Eucharist unworthily, eats judgment unto himself. The catechism refers to this as sacrilege. Withholding the Eucharist is not a condemnation or judgment, it is an act of mercy and charity.

Jay G

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Nice explanation. Do you ever send any of your letters/blogs to the Catholic Free Press? editor@catholicfreepress.org is the email address should you feel the need to address and educate the Worcester Diocese. The editor is always looking for good apologetics, or defense of the faith.