Jan 17, 2021

Does [A]ntifa have a sense of humor?

In 2017, Katy Krasnow of Hickman County Antifa posted a meme calling Antifa comrades to "disguise yourselves as Patriots/Trump Supporters...This way the Police...won't know who their enemies are." Hickman County Antifa Facebook page has since been removed and Krasnow claims this was a joke.

November 10, 2020 @KatherineGarth2 tweeted that her "Antifa operative in Portland...said the ones going to DC are going to wear camouflage cut-offs, and Trump parapnernalia to blend in, but turning their MAGA hats backward for identification."

She later deleted the post, claiming it was "sarcastic and in reference to a statement that no one should be behaving like this in America."

Maybe it is snopes and D-fact checkers who have the sense of humor?

BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 "bus load" of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 6, 2021

Giuliani Reveals Evidence of Antifa Provocateurs at Capitol Hill

Either the FBI is totally incompetant or they are lying to us.
Starting 2min in, 226 Antifa members were involving in turning a peaceful protest into an emotional moment then a riot. This includes John Sullivan tweets from Jan 2 2021 proclaiming he was "going to drive President out" yet he was not on any no-fly list. Antifa was involved with two White Supremacist groups who are opposed to Trump and want chaos in the USA (4:50 into 5:04 video).

Leaked ANTIFA and BLM zoom call to start coup
"Is there going to be a war? Are people going to be killed?"
NOTE: many people on this call are Federal Government employees.

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