Dec 27, 2020

Giant Money Laundering - Politicians Relief Bill

Ez7:26 Disaster comes upon disaster, rumor follows rumor; they shall keep seeking a vision from the prophet; instruction shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the elders. 27 The king shall mourn, the prince shall be wrapped in despair, and the hands of the people of the land shall tremble. According to their way I will deal with them; according to their own judgments I will judge them. And they shall know that I am the Lord.

Veto-Proof $900M Omnibus spending Covid relief Bill passed by Congress The gov’t closes the economy. You lose your job. You face eviction. $600 for all your troubles.
$33Billion for democracy in Venezuela, $130Million for democracy in Nepal, but $600 for you.

Where do you think all this money actually goes?
Why don’t we know who put each of these items into the Covid Omnibus bill?

$169,739,000 to Vietnam, $198,323,000 to Bangladesh, Pakistan: $15 million for “democracy programs” and $10 million for “gender programs”, $505,925,000 to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama to “address key factors that contribute to the migration of unaccompanied, undocumented minors to the United States”, $461,375,000 to Colombia for programs related to counter-narcotics and human rights.
$40M to Kennedy Center, though they have not had a performance since Covid.
Is this a giant graft payout? Who audits this $? Giant Money Laundering scheme funded by US taxpayers. Keep an eye on this – Trump has appointed three new people to key positions at the Kennedy Center: Could he be investigating where the $14M is actually going?
Only 6 Republican Senators voted against this.
The 5,593 page budget-busting bill was posted online

Who audits all this money?

There is hope

Electoral College front
2020 election had 13 million more votes than voters!

Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

Sun Jan 3, 2021 New members of Congress are sworn in, new Speaker of House voted for

Tue Jan 5, Special Senate Election in Georgia for 2 Senators

Wed Jan 6, 2021 The President of the US Senate, VP Mike Pence, accepts the submission of each State’s Electoral College results, or rejects the slate of electors if fraud is involved. Legally it is his choice, and his obligation to render a decision on the illegality of the election in each state. He also has access to all of the highest classified documentation concerning the foreign influence in our election.
Jan 6. Insurrection, Be prepared for massive Blackout on the Internet, including FaceBook. Bookmark your favorite web sites as you will not be able to find them through a Google search or through FaceBook.
The President calls all Patriots to Washington DC for Jan. 6, to stop the steal.

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