Mar 29, 2020

You Need To Listen To This Leading COVID-19 Expert From South Korea | ASIAN BOSS

Very, very well done, high information value interview by Stephen Park of ASIAN BOSS of leading S. Korean Covid-19 expert Dr. Kim Woo-Ju, professor of infectious diseases at Korea University Guro Hospital. Interview was done March 24th, 2020.

Highlights – Dr. Woo-Ju has 30 years experience including AIDS, SARS in 2003, Ebola 2014, MERS 2015 and Covid-19 China virus is the most challenging he has seen.

The virus infects humans through ACE 2 receptors in mucus membranes; mouth, nose and eyes. Covid-19 cannot infect through your skin.

_1. Infected people coughing or sneezing shoot droplets (5 micron diameter) of basically spit containing covid-19 China virus about 1-2 meters, 6feet in an arc, gravity pulls the droplets down, but if droplets contact your eyes, nose or mouth you get infected. Droplets can also land on tables, floors, clothing. China virus does not live long on textile surfaces like cardboard and clothing, but can live 3-4 days on stainless steel and many kinds of flat, non-porous plastic. If the weather is colder, winter, about 40oF with 30% humidity, China virus can live 5-7 days on that surface. Virus does not live as long in warmer weather, that is why the Flu is seasonal.
_2. More common, infected people touch their noses, eyes or mouth so that China virus is on their hands, then they shake hands with someone, or touch doorknobs, phones, tables, keyboards, anything and China virus is now on that object. Uninfected person touches that object with droplets or shakes hands and then touches his eyes, nose or mouth and infects himself.

_- Masks are effective against the spread. U.S. downplays this fact so people won’t hoard, to prioritize masks for Health Care workers treating patients
_- 8961 cases in Korea, 111 deaths;
_ >79 years old – 11.6% deaths
_ >69 years old – 6.3% deaths
_ >59 years old – 1.5% deaths
_ >49 years old - .4% deaths
1 death of person in their 40s, .1% deaths
1 death of person in their 30s, .1% deaths
No one died under 30 years old, 90% of deaths are 60 or older. Smoking or immune-compromised e.g. cancer patients are affected like older people, because immune system not as able to fight the virus.
_- 20% of infected are asymptomatic
_- 30% of infected lose their sense of smell and sense of taste

_- China virus developed in Wuhan, in infected bats. Virus jumped to intermediary host, either a snake or pangoline, then jumped to Humans. China reported outbreak to World Health Organization December 31st, 2019. NOTE: United States shut down travel from China on Jan. 31st, Australia and New Zealand the next day, Canada and Mexico later.
- “airborne” is imprecise term, more precise to use ‘droplets’ which are 5 microns in diameter and affected more by gravity, and “aerosol”, which are much smaller than 5 microns. In a Church meeting with 100s of people on the 10th floor of a building with closed windows due to Winter, with Church Members singing and shouting, droplets likely became aerosol, and less affected by gravity so travel farther. High infections rate in this group. Kind of summaries social distancing. Call Centers can have similar results.
- Korea more prepared because they were affected by MERS in 2015, 186 cases resulted in 38 deaths
- Capitalism at its finest, Companies invested in R&D to develop PCR tests with results in 6 hours
- Korea doing about 15,000 tests per day, 378,000 by 3/23/2020. At least 51 Million in densely populated S. Korea
- Testing free if you are positive, or Dr. determines your test medically valuable, but if you are healthy Govt will charge you $140.
- Testing at Inchon Airport in Korea shows about 20% of people coming to Korea are infected

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