Sep 18, 2018

Mary of the Rosary

Devil's Tactic #2 - Divide and Conquer

The second modern tactic of the devil is actually the very ancient military strategy of "divide and conquer." This strategy is defined as one that separates a force that would be stronger if united… If the enemy can separate us into small units or individuals, he can more easily defeat each one.

"Strike the shepherd and the sheep scatter" (Zec 13:7). There's no doubt that the devil has focused his assault on the religious leaders of our day. While these leaders may have had noble intentions of charity and pastoral sensitivity, the results have been devastating. Decades of lenient, non-confrontational leadership have left the faithful feeble and prone to be "conformed to the pattern of this world" (Rom 12:2). St. Augustine once said, "Charity is no substitute for justice withheld."

The unfortunate laxity of discipline has permitted confusion and strife where there should be clarity and harmony, an authentic unity based on the truth. As a result, the modern trend among those who believe and teach falsehoods that directly contradict the Church's teaching is to consider these pockets of dissent as merely "differing tribes" within the Catholic Church. In this deceptive tribal system, those who believe in and teach all that the Church teaches are then considered extreme among these tribes.

Right or wrong, religious leadership seemed to calculate that it is better to refrain from "charged issues" for fear of offending some or even losing members. However, St. Peter Canisius cautioned: "Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith." (Excerpt from Church Militant Field Manual).

40 Days for Life Fall 2018
Sep 22 Sat 9-10:30am Prayer Vigil Protest on the sidewalk across from Planned Parenthood, which is at 470 Pleasant St.
Sep 26 Wed Start of Fall 40 Days for Life, Pleasant St. Worcester, runs to Sunday, November 4th.
Sign Up Online
Candlelight Vigil from 6:30-7:30pm. During the first half hour, we will pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet; after that we will continue with various prayers and songs. Please bring your own candle.
For this campaign we are requesting that you stand on the Planned Parenthood side of the street when you are out praying on the sidewalk. Be sure not to stand in front of the path that leads from the public sidewalk into PP and, as always, make sure you are not blocking the way for any pedestrians.

LONG ISLAND, NY: Catholic Priest, Fr. Joseph Wilson, Reflects on his Church's Betrayal of the Faith "So this really is no surprise to me at all. The Church took a wrong turn in the 1960s. The results have been catastrophic."
How to move forward?
"It really is not very difficult...[Saint Teresa d'Avilla in 'The Way of Perfection' said we must create]...oases where Jesus can find welcome and rest and home in a world which has forgotten Him." Fr. Wilson quotes Anglican Bishop John Allin, who while commenting on his work to prevent the breakup of the Episcopal Church during the seventies said "I have loved the Church more than the Lord of the Church." We need to love the Lord first! Hat tip Br. Paul for this

Oct 5 Fri 8PM – Mass celebrated by Fr. Richard Fortin followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration until Oct 6 1st Saturday 8am Mass celebrated by Fr. Michael Roy, Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc.
Oct 7 Sunday – Our Lady of the Rosary, Respect Life Sunday, end of 54-day Coast to Coast Rosary, We are at war. A war without borders, where no man is exempt but where most haven’t recognized, let alone been trained, to fight.
The Marian Response to the Scandal of Sin is to pray the rosary

Oct 13 Sat 101st anniversary of the Fatima miracle of the Sun, as well as Prayer Vigil Protest on the sidewalk across from Planned Parenthood from 9-10:30am and America Needs Fatima National Rosary Rally across the United States at noon. 470 Pleasant St. Worcester.

College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, published a "wedding" photo of two women wearing white gowns in its official magazine, Holy Cross.
Join me in urging Holy Cross to uphold true marriage and issue a correction.
For three reasons:
Reason #1: Stop contradicting God. God's marriage is only between one man and one woman. Homosexual unions are unnatural and 100% sterile and deprive children of their biological mothers or fathers.

Reason #2: Stop undermining moral values. Morality is the keystone of the family and society. If our Catholic universities no longer teach the truth -- in word and deed -- where will the next generation go to learn the truth?

Reason #3: Stop confusing students. By publishing a photo of a same-sex couple in its magazine, Holy Cross legitimizes sin, undermines Holy Matrimony, and causes scandal and confusion.
Please protest here.

Nov 6 MA general election day

God Bless America
Jay G.
Prayer List: Deniol is a 12 year old boy who has been in foster care all if his life with no natural supports in his life but the system and he just had major surgery at Boston Children's hospital - pray for his recovery and his adoption, Alexa to choose to give birth to her baby instead of choosing abortion. For Holly, for healing from stage 3 cancer, and that she change from pro-choice to pro-life to support her beautiful daughter, Prayers answered - Paul, who was missing, has returned to his wife Sarah and their 3 children

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