Oct 6, 2017

First Friday and Pro-:Life Updates

In a huge victory for the pro-life movement today, President Donald Trump is set to roll back the Obamacare birth control mandate that forces Christians to pay for abortion causing drugs for their employees in their health care plan.

Oct 6 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass celebrated by Fr. Miguel Pagan, Chaplain St. Vincent’s Hospital, followed by all night adoration until 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Michael Roy in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc. Everyone is welcomed. All Adoration hours could use backup. Scheduled Adorers 9PM –open 10PM – Paul, Julie 11PM –open 12 AM midnight – Fran W, 1AM – Possibly open/Diane 2AM open 3AM – Jay G 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Adrian 7AM – Kathy. All hours could use a backup, including at 6-7AM.
Oct 7 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Fr. Michael Roy in the Problem Pregnancy, chapel, other masses at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite (confession) June St. and St. George’s Brattle St.
Oct 7 Sat Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is also the end of the 54 Day Rosary Novena for Our Nation that started Aug 15 on the Feast of the Assumption. This Novena will end with a Rosary Rally in Washington DC, were Rosary prayers will be scapularized and weaponized with 1000 plastic bottles of Epiphany Holy Water and another 1000 plastic bottles of Epiphany Blessed Salt, all Exorcised and Blessed by Fr. Z.
Oct 7 Sat 3pm confession, 4pm Mass First Saturday Adoration, Confession, Rosary and Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Mercy Church 341 June St. Worcester. Consecrate yourself to Our Lady of Fatima

Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus in the U.S. has said "PRO-LIFE AMERICANS now face a historic opportunity. Not since the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade in 1973 has the United States government had so many high-ranking officials who are pro-life."
With that in mind, remember that the Massachusetts State Attorney General’s office has certified that the ballot question to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortion, now signature collection starts – we need 100,000 raw signatures. Contact Andrew Surprise to volunteer to collect Signatures in Worcester County & Western MA: Andrew@RenewMACoalition.org 413-313-6889

Oct 9 Mon 7:15-8pm, through October 30 NOVENA FOR THE SICK St Joseph
Sixth Annual Novena to St. Joseph continues, pray for the sick and dying and for an end to physician-assisted suicide. Third of Nine consecutive Mondays with different homilists each week. Christ the King Church, 1052 Pleasant St., Worcester. All are welcome!

Oct 13 Fri 7pm Rosary and Mass in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal. St. Mary of the Hills Churc, 630 Cross St., Boylston, MA
Oct 14 Sat noon, 100 years and a day since the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Please join the BIGGEST public rosary in history any time after 9am, official start at noon. 11,000 people have already signed up to be Rosary Captains. Pleasant St. Worcester.

Oct 23 Mon, 8:45am-6:15pm Converging Roads Conference in Worcester! A Medical Ethics Conference on End-of-Life Issues, Assumption College 500 Salisbury St. Worcester, MA

10th of 12 Cardinals and Bishops Condemn Gender Theory Madness. Great Quotes.
Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island
“I go back to the very basics and in the book of Genesis we read, 'God created the human family.' Male and female, he created them. There was no third option."

“No wavelength, no mileage
No current currency
No answers - just silence
And nothing is what it's supposed to be.”
- Van Morrison Lyrics - School Of Hard Knocks : Hat Tip Br. Paul

Anheuser-Busch (Budweiser/Bud Light) spends $1.5 billion advertising on NFL Football games, and They have setup a direct Hotline where you can express your opinion on the National anthem protests by the players. Call 1-800-342-5283 and choose Option 1 at the prompt, then, leave your message and tell Anheuser-Busch to stop sponsoring the NFL and the NFL Players Association if the anthem protests continue to be used to politicize Sundays
The NFL Players Association, NFLPA joins supports Anti-Trump disruption. protest group

God Bless America
Jay G.

Prayer List:; All 40 Days for Life volunteers and everyone in the Pro-Life movement for protection from Spiritual attacks, Milania at Visitation House, Steve & Debbie and their kids, Adriana, Josie Mc for insight

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