Aug 25, 2017

Stop Massachusetts state funding of abortions

Where is God during all the violence?
Archdiocese of Hartford, CT East Catholic High suggests an answer and a solution

Aug 15 Tue start of a 54 Day Rosary "Novena for Our Nation" from the Feast of the Assumption on August 15 to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7.

Aug 25 9am Prayer Vigil protest on the sidewalk

MA Alliance to Stop Public Funding of Abortion

Help - Sign up for Regional Signature Drive & Activist Training at locations all across the state.
Even if you cannot attend, you can still sign up to volunteer, and print out the training flyer, and distribute it to your churches, neighbors, civic groups, and to friends that may be interested in attending.
MA Alliance to Stop Public Funding of Abortion Training sessions;

Aug 28 Mon 6:30–9pm MA Alliance to Stop Public Funding of Abortion Training session, Christ the King Catholic Church, 41 Warsaw Ave Ludlow, MA 01056
Aug 29 Tue 6:30–9pm Baptist Convention of NE Conference Room, 87 Lincoln St Northborough, MA 01532
Aug 30 Wed 6:30–9pm St. Elizabeth's Church, 350 Reedsdale Rd Milton, MA 02186
Aug 31 Thu 6:30–9pm Jim and Bernadette Lyons' Barn, 12 Highvale Lane Andover, MA 01810
Sep 1 Fri 6:30–9pm VFW Post 1807, 100 West St Leominster, MA 01453
Can't volunteer? Please support the Coalition with a contribution

Sep 1 Fri 8pm First Friday Mass celebrated by Fr. Jim Boland of St. Patrick’s Rutland, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc until 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Michael Roy. Everyone is welcomed. Sep 2 Sat 8am there is also a 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Fr. Nichol in the St. George Eucharist Adoration Chapel on Brattle St. Worcester. Adoration is now from 4:45am until 9pm and doors should now be unlocked most of the time so that you no longer have to be let in.

Sep 6 Wed 6:30–9pm MA Alliance to Stop Public Funding of Abortion Training session, Knights of Columbus Hall, 375 Foundry St North Easton, MA 02356

In a Daily Caller article explaining why it is time for Trump advisor Steve Bannon to leave his White House post, Former Trump advisor Roger Stone also calls out that there is evidence in "FISA Court certification that Obama’s NSA actively, illegally and unconstitutionally spied at least on 30,000 Americans for purposes of political espionage."
But more importantly, "These indictable offenses and their prosecution is the key to derailing the Deep State coup unfolding before our eyes"

Sep 9-10 EWTN Family event in Worcester, MA – Free! Live EWTN Radio, be a part of a televised EWTN LIVE SHOW with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Faith FACTORY For Kids, Become a Media Missionary.

Sep 9 Sat 12 noon-1pm Fourth Annual Day of Remembrance of Aborted Babies Memorial Service, St. Bernard Parish at St. Camillus Church, 333 Mechanic St., Fitchburg, MA
Contact Joyce Aucoin at

Sep 27-Nov 5 Fall 40 Days for Life prayer campaign, everyday on the sidewalk on Pleasant St. Worcester.

Oct 14 Sat 100 years and a day since the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Please join the BIGGEST public rosary in history any time after 9am, official start at noon.

Oct 20 Fri 7pm MFI's 26th Annual Fundraising Banquet with Hugh Hewitt at the Newton Marriott

MA Alliance to Stop Public Funding of Abortion

2nd of 12 Cardinals and Bishops Condemn Gender Theory Madness. Great Quotes.
Cardinal Robert Sarah
Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments “[In France] they corrected me, they said I cannot use the word ‘deviation’, but I would not know which other word to use [about gender theory]… Even fools recognize that, between a man and a woman, there is a difference and a complementarity. Man is nothing without a woman and vice versa. This is not my own position, this is the position of the Church, and all Christians, all families are called to fight against this deviation.”

In a paper published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, authored by Josh Craddock, a J.D. Candidate, Craddock the contradictory legal decisions that arise when Roe v. Wade is copmared to another precedent settings decision, "Reitman v. Mulkey determined that statutes permissive of individual discriminatory actions can [violate] the Equal Protection Clause. This reasoning has been relied upon [in court] decisions requiring life‐saving blood transfusions for fetuses, even against their parents’ religious objections. In one such case, the justices were unanimously ‘satisfied that the unborn child is entitled to the law’s protection’ from inaction that would deprive her of life."

God Bless America

Jay G.

Prayer List:;
Sammie who is pregnant and whose parents have threatened to kick her out of their house if she does not get an abortion, Hailey, child with a serious stomach condition, very young Emilio Molinari RIP pray for his parents Ruth and Anthony, Warren the father of the guys at Jefferson Service RIP, Francis White RIP

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