Jun 2, 2017

1st Friday Pentecost

54 day Novena for the president

Jun 2nd First Friday 8pm Mass, celebrated by Fr. Miguel Pagan, chaplain ST. Vincent’s, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc until 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Michael Roy. Everyone is welcomed. Scheduled Adorers 9PM –Chris 10PM – Paul, Julie 11PM –Cindy 12 AM midnight – Fran W, 1AM – open 2AM open 3AM – Jay G 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Adrian 7AM – open All hours could use a backup, including at 6AM.
Jun 3 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass and devotion Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Michael Roy of St. Roch’s in Oxford.
Jun 4 Sun – Pentecost

VICTORY: LGBT bill to allow children to "consent" to psychiatric therapy is stopped in Colorado Senate -- after hard-hitting pro-family testimony

Pro-family candidate Robert M. Cappucci will be on the ballot to run in this year's election for Mayor of Boston, against incumbent Marty Walsh and others.

Jun 10 Sat No Mass but Prayer Vigil protest on the sidewalk

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) commended the Trump Administration for announcing an expanded policy named Promoting Life in Global Health Assistance, which will apply pro-life conditions to a broad range of health-related U.S. foreign aid.

Jun 24 Sat 10am Mass in Problem Pregnancy Chapel with Fr. Ken, 9am sidewalk prayer vigil

Sep 9-10 EWTN Family event in Worcester, MA

Nov 10-11 Mercy and Mary Retreat with Fr. Michael Gateley, MIC at St. Joe’s in Charlton, $49.95, Info 413-944-8500 Ext.10

“Perhaps one of the most tragic things about a life dedicated to pleasure is what it has missed. No doubt many a man so dedicated has congratulated himself on his ability to provide himself with so much. And surely he has been the envy of many who are not so fortunate. But the growing loneliness of the years and the increasing boredom with the things that money buys become evidence of the tardy truth that it was a life of emptiness. Man is built on a larger scale than anything material can fill. Somewhere hidden away in each of us is a great emptiness that can be filled only by God.

“In this emptiness our souls are like our bodies. If we keep our bodies empty of food, they will die. For a while we can do well enough without it; we will work energetically and be alert mentally. But soon there comes the necessity of eating. Now we can quiet our hunger by various means. We could, for instance, give it poor food, food that tastes good but does not nourish. And we could quiet the pangs of hunger by alcoholic drink. With all these subterfuges we could again become energetic and reasonably alert. But not for very long. A sustained diet of non-nourishing food will bring an end to good health and eventually cause the deterioration of body and mind to the point of a diseased or painful death. This, in terms of the natural, is what happens to our spirit if we feed it on other things but never on God. Even though our lives would apparently be filled, we would be the really empty people.” (PART III: PRAYER: THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE, Chapter 16: “God’s Presence of Love”, pp. 114-115)

God Bless America

Jay G.

Prayer List:;
murdered Afghan security guard and German woman who worked for Operation Mercy relief organization in Kabul and the kidnaped German worker who was missing after this Taliban attack, Emilia 93 years old with health problems, Molly’s 4-year old niece will undergo IV immune-globulin therapy 5/23-24 for serious auto-immune condition, Amanda & Joe and family, A faithful young 'family' in crisis...With abandonment, rejection, and mental illness - Please pray for resolution...and God's. Grace, Molly's sister Karen 3rd fall after diagnosis stage 4 breast cancer, Joan O'Brien recovering from painful knee surgery, young woman dealing w unfair eviction and health issues,Maddy Dudley RIP, Garrett Burgess is the 17th person with this disease and the only one to have lived this long, Philip Hatch with pancreatic cancer, Gregg with non-Hodgkins type lymphoma and his wife Theresa, Karen suffering from terrible depression and her husband Mike, Bette with bladder tumor, Ann total knee replacement, Baby Dunn with Turners Syndrome, Jason with Parkinson-like symptoms, Eleni whose mom passed away, Stef for healing of her miscarriage, Shawn Paul who is recovering from liver transplant surgery, William Peter Blatty, Baby Joy (19 months) nearly drown in pool, Jim who just passed away, Dave RIP 3/11 and his family, Lisa at Visitation House, Angie and her family (Martin in prison, her daughters, grandkids and Mosie her granddaughter), Michele M with MS, Bill and Karen’s granddaughter Gabriella, Baton Rouge LA & Dallas TX Police officers and their families, Philando Castile…
RIP; Tommy Shortsleeves, Phil Badgo, Rhia Pearson, Yolanda's Mother, Bob Harris, Jack my roommate at UNH, Kathleen Harrity, Jonathan Ard, Dave Doyle, Ruth Shea age 97, Norma Macorvey, Eleni's mom back in Brazil, my aunt Muriel

Please continue to Pray the Lorica [breastplate] of St. Patrick, to protect President Trump, because Witches, and those who practice ‘the craft’ have been asked to perform a monthly binding ritual until the president is removed from office. They plan to perform their dark tasks at midnight EST on every waning crescent moon, starting Feb. 24th. Defeat evil with good, pray for the protection of President Trump

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