Nov 2, 2016

Central Massachusetts Pro-Life Voter Guide

I researched Massachusetts Citizens for Life, then cross referenced the Massachusetts NARAL site to make sure they gave Pro-Lifers a negative or minus.

Most important, Pro-Life in contested district

4th Worc (Leominster)
Thomas Frank Ardinger (R) ENDORSED Pro-life
over Natalie Higgins (D) Anti-life, plus from NARAL

7th Worc (Auburn) PAUL K. FROST (R) ENDORSED Pro-life, minus from NARAL
7th Worc (Auburn) over Terry Burke Dotson (D) (nothing from NARAL either way)

17th Worc (Leicestrer) KATE D. CAMPANALE (R) ENDORSED, ? from NARAL
17th Worc (Leicestrer) over Moses S. Dixon (D), Endorsed by NARAL

1st Worc (Holden) KIMBERLY N. FERGUSON (R) ENDORSED Pro-life, minus from NARAL
6th Worc (Charlton) PETER J. DURANT (R) ENDORSED Pro-life, minus from NARAL
8th Worc(Uxbridge) KEVIN J. KUROS (R) ENDORSED Pro-life Pro-life, minus from NARAL
16th Worc (Worcester) John P. Fresolo (I) ENDORSED Pro-life Pro-life

Possible Pro-lifers, not NARAL abortion promoters
5th Worc (Spencer) DONALD R. BERTHIAUME, JR. (R) blank MCFL, minus from NARAL
9th Worc (Grafton) DAVID K. MURADIAN, JR. (R), ? from NARAL
18th Worc (Webster) Joseph McKenna, minus from NARAL

Lesser of 2 evils
12th Worc (Clinton) Charlene R. DiCalogero (Green-Rainbow)
12th Worc (Clinton) HAROLD P. NAUGHTON, JR. (D) Anti-life, Plus from NARAL

2nd Worc (Gardner) JONATHAN D. ZLOTNIK (D) Anti-life, Plus from NARAL
3rd Worc (Fitchburg) STEPHAN HAY (D) Anti-life, plus from NARAL
13th Worc (Paxton) JOHN J. MAHONEY (D) Anti-life, Plus from NARAL
14th Worc JAMES J. O'DAY (D) Anti-life, Plus from NARAL
15th Worc (Worcester) MARY S. KEEFE (D) Anti-life, Plus from NARAL
16th Worc (Worcester) DANIEL M. DONAHUE (D) Anti-life, plus from NARAL
11th Worc (Shrewsbury) HANNAH KANE (R), ? from NARAL

10th Worc (Milford) No one! Brian W. Murray (D), Susan Slattery Biagetti (R) nothing from NARAL (Fernandes lost primary with + NARAL)

Most important, Pro-Life in contested district

Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire and Middlesex (Barre, Spencer, Oakham, Rutland)
James P. Ehrhard (R) ENDORSED Pro-life Pro-life
ANNE M. GOBI (D) Anti-life, she's been around too long!

2nd Worc (Auburn, Grafton, Leicester and Millbury, as well as portions of Northbridge, Shrewsbury, Upton and Worcester)
Mesfin H. Beshir (R) ENDORSED Pro-life Pro-life
MICHAEL O. MOORE (D) Anti-life

Worcester and Norfolk RYAN C. FATTMAN (R) ENDORSED Pro-life Pro-life
Middlesex and Worcester (Acton, Ayer, Boxborough, Hudson, Littleton) Ted Busiek ENDORSED Pro-life
Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester (Springfield, Northampton, and Hadley) Donald Peltier ENDORSED Pro-life

1st Worc (Worcester) HARRIETTE L. CHANDLER (D) Anti-life
Worcester and Middlesex (Ashby, Bolton, Clinton, Gardner, Fitchburg, Lancaster, Leominster, Lunenburg, Sterling, Townsend, Westminster) JENNIFER L. FLANAGAN (D) Anti-life

====Gov Council=====
MCFL endorses Rich Baker for Governor’s Council, 5th MA Gov Council District, NE Massachusetts
and also endorses Mary Hurley in the First District (Springfield and west)
-----------email response to Pro-Lifers---------
Thank you for your email. I am a firm believer in the right to life, and oppose all abortions.

Rich Baker
Rich Baker - Governor's Council

======U.S. Congress========
The Citizens for Life Federal PAC endorses David Rosa in the 4th Congressional District, running against anti-Life incumbent Joseph Kennedy, III and Mark Alliegro in the 9th Congressional District running against anti-Life incumbent William Keating.

Legend: Pro-Life indicates endorsed by MA Citizens for Life, MCFL,
minus from NARAL means candidate is not supported or endorsed by the Abortion Lobby, National Abortions Rights Action League, NARAL, indicating candidate either Pro-life or not Pro-Choice/Pro-Abortion/Anti-Life

Renew Massachusetts Voter Guides

Watch the videos from our "Conscience and the Catholic Voter" speaker series:

Bishop Robert J. McManus
"The Catholic Voter: Called to Faithful Citizenship"
Dr. Christopher Klofft
"Thinking Seriously About the Five Non-Negotiables"

Attorney Frances X. Hogan
"How and Why One's Faith Should Impact One's Vote in this Extraordinary Election Year"

Mrs. Allison LeDoux
"Life, Marriage, and Religious Freedom: Pillars of a Nation's Soul"

+ + +

Videos of all four sessions are now posted
all on one page

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