Jan 31, 2016

1st Friday Feb. 5th

Feb 5 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass canceled tonight due to snow in worcester
Still Could really use some help in the middle of the night next month, please consider volunteering.
Feb 6 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Michael Roy, and 11am confessions Our Lady of Mercy with noon 1st Saturday Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church, June St. Worc
Feb 6 Sat 4:30pm Cruz Crew debate Rally, St. Anselm’s College Institute of Politics
100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester, NH 03102

Which candidates are Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage and Pro-Family? Carly Fiorina was the only Candidate at the March for Life. Ted Cruz has signed the National Organization for Marriage Presidential Marriage Pledge and Cruz has also authorized a proposed constitutional amendment preserving the rights of stated to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman and also co-sponsored federal legislation, the First Amendment Defense Act, to protect governmental punishment of citizens who profess their beliefs. Donald Trump does not support a constitutional amendment to restore marriage to our laws and had publicly abandoned the fight for marriage, tell MSNBC that the illegitimate Supreme Court ruling redefining marriage “is the law of the land.”

Feb 9 Fat Tuesday
Feb 10 Ash Wed and start of 40 Days for Life, sign up

MassResistance Update - Pro-family activism Over 300,000 rally in Rome against homosexual ‘civil unions’ and gay adoption as vote in Parliament nears. Italian demonstrators holding signs saying: "Wrong is wrong, even if it becomes law." Feb 12 Fri 6pm Ecumenical Prayer Service – Assumption College Tinsley Campus Ministry Center
Feb 13 Sat 10am Mass Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Gratoratti or Fr. Salvinskas from St. Joe’s Charlton

Their Sexual Proclivities Are Killing Them, AUSTIN RUSE

Feb 20 Sat 10am Mass celebrated by Fr. Reid, Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Prayerful sidewalk protest at 9am

Progress: LGBT bill to ban therapy for youth on sexual orientation issues is stalled in Mass. Legislature. The result of relentless pro-family lobbying! Bill was skipped over in Wednesday’s House session after “hold” was put on it.
But battle continues

Feb 24 Wed 2-4pm Pro-Family Lobby Day, MA State House Room 437, Please RSVP to info@renewmacoalition.org

Feb 27 Sat 10am Mass in Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Ken

Mar 12 Sat 16th annual Worcester Diocesan Catholic Men’s conference DCU Center

Mar 19 Sat 8am (instead of usual 10am) Mass celebrated by Fr. Reid, Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Prayerful sidewalk protest after mass about 9am

Apr 4 Mon 10am - Join Bishop McManus and students from our Catholic schools for the annual Mass for Life on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, Monday, April 4, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, 38 High St. Worcester. All are welcome!

God Bless America

Jay G.
Prayer Needs; Doan family, Rebecca with breast cancer, Mary Agnes thyroid, Camille cancer, Pricilla infection, Michelle Kenny 37 stage 4 cancers, Aline, a Congolese mom of a 2-year-old and a 36-week preemie is in bed with a corset. She has tuberculosis of the spine and is at home, with VNA care and her husband Claude, hwo had to stop working to take care of her. Peg O’Shea RIP, "Dark Horse" 3d Battalion, 5th Marines and family members, while no longer fighting in Afghanistan, they've been back in the U.S.A. since April 2011, but between 8 October 2010 and April 2011, the 3/5 lost 24 Marines while conducting Operation Enduring Freedom combat operations in Helmand province.

5 year old Andrew...brain tumor, Johanna Freeman pneumonia, Alec Michael testicular cancer, Fr. Rocco Piccolomini & Monsignor Tinsley RIP, Cheryl for full recovery after successful brain surgery, Brian for moral support, Refugees Martin Djaibe & Alice Kotambai, Ryan for spiritual protection, 8-year-old Isabel recovering from surgery for a Cesotomy, Abby suicidal, Danielle & her baby Anthony, Jodie, Emily's return home and the Lord's help

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