Nov 12, 2015

November Pro-Life Pro-Family events

Nov 14 Sat 10am Mass Problem Pregnancy Chapel, Fr. Gratoratti or Fr. Salvinskas from St. Joe’s Charlton

Nov 16 Mon 7pm Trevor Loudon Returns to Northborough Free Library, 34 Main Street with Fresh Facts, Insights & Recommendations. Freedom WITH responsibility, not freedom FROM responsibility. Loudon, author of “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” will profile a list of U.S. Senators and Representatives and their ties to Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Workers World Party and other radical anti-American organizations… [including outing] Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, [and] Obama’s ties to Hawaiian Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. Admission – Free and open to all, including the press Sponsor – Northborough Tea Party, RSVP, Please

Nov 19 Thu Young adult Catholics are invited to join Pure in Heart-Worcester for Mass, Adoration with the Rosary, a dinner and discussion. Pure in Heart is a group of young adult Catholics (ages 18 to 35) committed to the pro-life cause, living the Catholic faith, and studying St. John Paul's Theology of the Body. Meetings are at 7pm every third Thursday of the month. St. Therese Chapel located behind St. Mary's Parish, 20 Summer St. Shrewsbury, MA For more information email or like them on Facebook at Pure in Heart-Worcester.

Nov 20 Fri 7pm Forum for the Rebuilding of Christian Culture, next session of a new monthly series, a Forum for the Rebuilding of Christian Culture at Veterans, Inc. (former Calvary Retreat Center), 59 South Street, Shrewsbury. The topic for this month will be The Tragedy of Abortion and the Healing Remedy from the Church with guest speaker Allison LeDoux of the diocesan Respect Life Office. The forum is sponsored by A Shower of Roses Religious Shop. Info 508-835-2828. All are welcome!

Nov 21 Sat 10am Mass Fr. Reid, Problem Pregnancy Chapel

Nov 28 Sat 10am Mass with Fr. Ken Cardinale, in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel 495 Pleasant St. preceded by Sidewalk prayer vigil starting at 9am, across the street from Planned Parenthood

Please sign the Massachusetts Alliance to Stop Public Funding of Abortion petition.

LGBTs Cranky About World Congress of Families This Week in Salt Lake City, by Austin Ruse
SALT LAKE CITY, October 30 (C-Fam) More than 3,000 will attend the 9th World Congress of Families that began Tuesday in Salt Lake City, Utah and the LGBTs are none too happy about it.
What has so riled the LGBTs in Utah and Washington DC is that the World Congress of Families is unabashedly in favor of traditional marriage.

God Bless America

Jay G.
Prayer Needs; Peg O’Shea RIP, "Dark Horse" 3d Battalion, 5th Marines and family members, while no longer fighting in Afghanistan, they've been back in the U.S.A. since April 2011, but between 8 October 2010 and April 2011, the 3/5 lost 24 Marines while conducting Operation Enduring Freedom combat operations in Helmand province. 5 year old Andrew...brain tumor, Johanna Freeman pneumonia, Alec Michael testicular cancer, Fr. Rocco Piccolomini RIP, Cheryl for successful brain surgery, Brian for moral support, Refugees Martin Djaibe & Alice Kotambai, Ryan for spiritual protection, 8-year-old Isabel recovering from surgery for a Cesotomy, Abby suicidal, Danielle & her baby Anthony, Jodie, Emily's return home and the Lord's help
Prayer Needs

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