“Loving the Lord in words is easy, but true love is found in suffering accepted with resignation; even we ourselves, if we want to make reparation in the best way, must offer up our physical and moral, external and internal tribulations, offering the Lord our crosses accepted with patience. We must live with this Christian spirit: everything is permitted or willed by God, nothing happens in this world without His Divine will: it is God Himself that is offering us that suffering. In any circumstance of our lives, we must be able to say: “You suffered for me, I also want to suffer for You.” Fr. Felice Cappello
Hat tip Br. Paul
Jun 5 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass celebrated in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel celebrated by Fr, Dennis Gallagher of the Augustinians of the Assumption, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration and concluding at 8am with 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Father Michael J. Roy of St. Roch Parish, Oxford. Everyone is welcomed. All Adoration hours could use backup. Scheduled Adorers 9PM – Chris T. 10PM - Julie S - Paul T. 11PM – Eileen, 12 AM midnight – Jim R., 1AM –open 2AM – Fran 3AM – Jay G 4AM – open 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Chris & Mike, Adrian 7AM – Kathy L., Marcia G. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour. All hours could use backup.
Jun 6 Sat 1st Sat, 8am Mass with Fr. Roy, Problem Pregnancy and 11am confessions Our Lady of Mercy with noon 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Gaby Hoyak at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church, June St. Worc
Jun 28 MCFL Walk to Aid Mothers and Children, Boston Common and Statehouse
TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership is a proposed regional regulatory and investment treaty. Currently, twelve countries have participated in negotiations including Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
FTA, Fast Track Authority is a dangerous expansion of Presidential power. Its use has been extremely limited as it is in direct conflict with the Congress' role of creating the laws of the land. In view of President Obama’s dictatorial abuse of power, it would be insane and suicidal to willingly grant him even more power.
Together TPP & FTA if ratified by Congress will create the “perfect storm” resulting in irreparable damage to our labor force through unlimited, unregulated and uncontrolled immigration and to our economy and sovereignty.
Call Senator Edward Markey (202) 224-2742
Call Senator Elizabeth Warren (202) 224-4543
Call your U.S. Congressional Representative, Jim McGovern for Worcester, (202) 225-6101
Identify yourself – Name, Town, Massachusetts
Ask for staffer’s name, record it.
Ask how Senator/Congressman ________will vote on TPP and FTA, record it.
Tell staffer you urge Senator/Congressman _________ to vote NO on both
Tell the staffer you want to be kept appraised of the Senator's/ Congressman's latest intentions.
If the staffer asks “why?”, here are good reasons ...
* TPP allows unrestricted immigration and will negatively impact the job market for
American workers.
* Loss of Sovereignty – TPP would establish a foreign judicial authority higher than the U.S.
Supreme Court that could overrule federal court rulings which is unconstitutional.
* Secrecy – U.S. negotiators have refused to share their proposals with the American public
or even members of Congress.
* Unfair advantage – TPP gives foreign companies unfair advantage over American
* FTA is a dangerous expansion of Presidential power. Its use has been
extremely limited as it is in direct conflict with the role of Congress –
creating the laws of the land. In view of President Obama’s dictatorial
abuse of power, it would be insane and suicidal to willingly grant him
even more power.
God Bless America,
Jay G.
Prayer Needs
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