Oct 24 Fri 7pm Rosary at JayG's house. Let me know if you need directions
How the pro-family movement helped spread ‘gay marriage’ across America. Sad but True.
Abortion Clinics are unregulated in MA, so support the CLinic standards local ballot question in Worcester. Several polling places in Central MA will have ballots with non-binding referendum on requiring Abortion clinics to meet minimal standards that apply to all Masschusetts’ surgical centers, such as admitting privileges by the doctor at the local hospital (something that may have saved Joan Rivers life had her Doctor had these). Since this is not a State-wide referendum, this question will not be listed in the Voter Guide mailed by the Secretary of State. The abortion clinic standards question will come somewhere after the statewide questions (#1-4), either question 5, 6 or 7 depending on other local referendum questions.
Pro-lifers have done a huge job qualifying this local referendum, but there simply was not enough time to qualify state-wide. Stayed tuned for details on meetings and appearances on local TV and radio to help explain this referendum, and to prepare for a State-wide question next election. Please help,
people will not vote "Yes on 5" unless they know about it. Please donate now
Election Day, Nov. 4th is coming!
Oct 25 Sat 9am Prayer vigil on the sidewalk followed by 10am Mass in Problem Pregnancy Chapel. Fr. Ken Cardinale – St. Paul’s Cathedral covers 40 Days for Life, 1-7PM
Oct 27 Mon 6pm to Sat Nov 1, and Mon Nov 3, Divine Mercy Novena for America with Benediction, St. Bernard Parish at St. Camillus Church Fitchburg, MA. Nov 2 Sun Novena at the end of all Masses.
Prayer for Our Country, from Chaplains’ Service Book of Prayers
Almighty God, You have given us this great land as our heritage. We humbly pray that we may always remember Your generosity and faithfully do Your will. Bless our land with faithful leaders, honest industry, truthful education, and an honorable way of life. Defend our liberties and strengthen the resolve of the people who have come from throughout the world to make American their home. Lead us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Help us to appreciate the opportunities that are ours as we struggle to bring harmony to an unsettled world. May we balance our concern for justice with a willingness to display mercy, and may our concern for security be tempered with a willingness to take risks which will produce worthwhile change for the good of all people. O Lord, we pray for Your guidance as we work together for the best interest of our communities, our nation, our world, and the ultimate goal of peace, when times are prosperous, let our hearts be thankful and in troubled times may our deepest trust be in You. Amen.
Fri 31 Oct 8pm “1st” Friday Mass Problem Pregnancy Chapel, (Fr. Pagan tentatively scheduled) followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration and concluding at 8am with 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Father Michael J. Roy of St. Roch Parish, Oxford. Everyone is welcomed. All Adoration hours could use backup. Scheduled Adorers 9PM – Chris T. 10PM - Julie S - Paul T. 11PM – Eilleen, 12 AM midnight – Shawn, 1AM – need coverage 2AM – Fran 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Adrian 7AM – Kathy L.. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour. All hours could use backup.
Sat 1 Nov All Saints Day, 1st Sat, 8am Mass with Fr. Roy, Problem Pregnancy and 11am confessions Our Lady of Mercy with noon 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Gaby Hoyak at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church, June St. Worc,
Nov 4 Tue – Election. In order to prevent the abortion agenda from driving this country to total material cooperation in an intrinsic evil, please work to prevent the Democrat-driven Abortion-on-Demand mind set. The Democrat/media alliance is talking like the Republican takeover of the Senate is a foregone conclusion--but they do not believe that. This is a narrative created by the Democrats to make Republican donors/voters complacent about this election and then when they come up with their contrived "October surprise" it will neutralize the election. Please support any candidate who is for any restrictions on abortion, and oppose all (mostly Democrat) candidates who push abortion-on-demand, who are against parent-notification and who support Planned Parenthood.
Independent Scott Lively is the Pro-Life candidate to support for MA governor, and his running mate Shelly Saunders for Lt. Gov. The only choice for a Pro-Life or Pro-Family voter
Both Charlie Baker (R) and Karen Polito (R)are as Pro-Abortion as Martha Coakley (D), possibly more so to pander to the Planned Parenthood crowd. Polito went so far as to apologize for supporting Parental Notification Laws when a minor seeks an abortion.
If Republican candidates said they were for even some slight restriction on Abortion, or some parental notification enforcement, some abortion clinic certification or standard, anything, I would consider those candidates, but they clearly are not. Both Republican and Democrat candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor are clearly for abortion-on-demand, which is intrinsically evil.
Voter Guides and Resources;
Coalition for Marriage
MA Citizens for Life
Nov 8 Sat 10 am Mass celebrated Fr. Jonathan Slavinskas, in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St. Worc
Pro-life high school kids challenging others to come to Worcester's aborion mill and pray.
God Bless America,
Jay G.
Prayer Needs
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