Last Wed, July 23, a roll call vote on new dispersal zone / buffer zone bill in the MA House passed overwhelmingly against life and for new buffer zone, 116 yeas; 35 nays and 4 not voting.
Both Stephen DiNatale (D-Fitchburg) and Dennis Rosa (D- Leominster) voted AGAINST the new buffer zone, even though they were being pressured to vote for the bill by their State Senator Jen Flanagan
Jul 26 Sat 10am Mass Problem Pregnancy. Fr. Ken Cardinale
Dale O’Leary, author of “One Man, One Woman, A Catholic’s Guide to Defending Marriage”, (available at Shower of Roses in W.Boylston), has written a well-researched, thorough and compassionate defense of our Church’s teaching that marriage is a life-long union between one man and one woman. I continue quoting from this work to assist our outreach to our brothers and sisters who have Same-Sex Attraction, SSA.
“Paul Guay, in an article in Crisis magazine entitled ‘Setting Freud Straight: Homosexuality as Repressed Friendship,’ argues that those followers of Freud who see friendship as latent or repressed homosexuality have the whole thing upside down. The reality is ‘that homosexuality is itself latent or repressed friendship.”* The male with SSA is looking for the male friendship that he missed in childhood.
*Crisis (May 1990),30.
1st Friday Mass - Aug. 1, 2014 8 P.M. Mass to “save babies through prayer” will be celebrated by Father John M. Lizewski, Pastor of St. Aloysius/St. Jude Parish, Leicester, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration and concluding at 8am with 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Father Michael J. Roy of St. Roch Parish, Oxford. Everyone is welcomed. Scheduled Adorers 9PM – Chris T. 10PM - Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - open, 12 AM midnight – Shawn, 1AM – Jim R. 2AM – open 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 –Chris&Mike, Adrian 7AM – Kathy.
Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.
Aug 2 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Roy in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel
Aug 2 Sat noon 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Gaby Hoyak at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church, June St. Worc, 11am confession and Rosary, 1st Sat. meditation and Divine Mercy Chaplet before Mass.
Even though Democrats raised money over Sandy Hook, and Katrina, that does not mean the Republicans are doing the same with Benghazi – 'The facts are neither Republican nor Democrat'
The important question is ‘Why was there no military response?’ or perhaps more clearly Why did the White House issue a stand-down order?
Aug 9 Sat Mass celebrated Fr. Jonathan Slavinskas, in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St. Worc
Vote Core Values; Franco, Fisher…
Aug 16 Sat 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Aug 16 Sat 8am Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.
FREE ROOM AND BOARD at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic college in Warner NH
The changing economics of cutting-edge pro-family activism
The economics of fighting this fight have changed drastically in just the last few years. That's why regular people like you are so vitally important.
Here's a prominent example of what we're talking about. As most of you know by now, the president of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, recently announced that his company would no longer donate to pro-family groups opposing "gay marriage" or the homosexual agenda in the schools. Such donations were a "bad business decision," he said. Instead, he has instituted an outlandish sexual-orientation and "gender identity" non-discrimination policy in all his restaurants. And he started meeting with college homosexual activists to find "common ground."
The president of Chick-fil-A is now the rule, not the exception.
Jay G.
Prayer Needs
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