Vatican Blasts UN Committee That Asks Church To Change Teaching on Abortion and Homosexuality
Feb 15 Sat 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Feb 15 Sat 8am Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.
The World Health Organization, WHO, lists the birth control pill as a Group 1 Carcinogen, same category as radiation, asbestos and cigarettes
Note: the limited NEJM study only covered ovarian cancer
Feb 22 Sat 9am prayers on the sidewalk followed by 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Ken Cardinale, Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worcester
Good film: “This is Martin Bonner” Indy character study of church-based prison program where volunteer Martin Bonner helps ex-con trying to re-integrate into society. Steven Greydanus #1 of 2013, “no film spoke to me more profoundly of hope, empathy and spiritual thoughtfulness”
Feb 26 Wed 10a-2p Pro-Family Lobby day, MA State house rm 437, Boston
Feb 28 ‘Last’ Fri at 8pm a ‘1st Friday’ Pro-Life Mass to “save babies through prayer” will be celebrated by Fr. Marcin Novicki, Associate of St. Mary Parish, Shrewsbury, followed by all-night Eucharistic Adoration in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel 495 Pleasant St. and concluding at 8am with 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Father Michael J. Roy of St. Roch Parish, Oxford. Everyone is welcomed. Scheduled Adorers 9PM – Chris T. 10PM - Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - Eileen D, 12 AM midnight – Shawn, 1AM – Jim R. 2AM – Fran W 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Mike&Chris S., Adrian 7AM – Kathy L. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.
Mar 1 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Roy in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel
Mar 1 Sat noon 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Gaby Hoyak at Our Lady of Mercy Maronite Church, June St. Worc, 11am confession and Rosary, 1st Sat. meditation and Divine Mercy Chaplet before Mass.
Contraception and Catholicism, by Dr. Angela Franks, Ph.D
Perhaps one of the most controversial teachings of the Catholic Church's social doctrine concerns contraception. It is one of the most widely discussed topics within the Church and by the secular media. Clergy and laity, alike, grapple with how to embrace the teaching that conjugal love is to be expressed within marriage and always open to the gift of a child. Here, in the Boston Archdiocese, Dr. Angela Franks, Ph.D and her husband, Dr. David Franks, Ph.D, are helping to spread the word that the Church's teaching about marriage and the family is both rational and the only way to true fulfillment.
Mar 4 Tue 7pm – Janet E. Smith, Ph.D., “Religious Liberty and the Culture of Life”-Assumption College
Mar 5 Ash Wed - 40 Days For Life Spring campaign begins
Mar 8 Sat 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Mark Rainville, Assoc. from St. Joe’s Charlton, in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Life Decisions International, LDI coordinates boycotts and letter writing campaigns against Corporations that donate to Planned Parenthood, so far 281 Corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood to the tune of $41 Million.
Corporations that donate to Planned Parenthood; Walt Disney/ABC Family/ESPN, Whole Foods, Nike/Air-Jordan/Converse. SouthWest Airline/AirTran. Chevron/Texaco. Bank of America including Merrill Lynch. Bayer, EBay including PayPal. Levi Straus including Dockers. National Amusement including Showcase Cinemas, BET, CBS College Sports, CMT, FLiX, Movie Channel, MTV, Nickelodeon, Spike, Showtime, TD Bank, Intuit including TurboTax. Wyndham Hotels.
Also: American Cancer Society, Amnesty International, Bartlesmann, Children's Aid Society, Cigna, Council of Churches, Elks Lodges, Estee Lauder, GlaxoSmithKline, Goldman Sachs, Johnson&Johnson, JP Morgan, Lions Club, Merck, Marriott, Microsoft, Charter Communications, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Oracle, Polo Ralph Lauren, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Symantec, Time Warner, United Health Group, UNICEF, YMCA, YWCA, United Way and Wells Fargo
Please boycott these businesses and organizations, contact their CEOs and tell other Pro-Lifers.
This week the LDI Pro-Life Letter writing campaign targets: Deutsche Bank, Mr. Jϋrgen Fitschen, Co-Chm, Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt AM Main, DE, +49-69-910-00,
Sample Letter
Mar 15 Sat 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Mar 15 Sat 8am Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.
Mar 24 Mon 7pm John C. Cavadini, Ph.D. ,“What St. Augustine really thought about Sex”-Assumption College
Apr 2 Wed 7pm His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl, “Pope Francis and the New Evangelization” – Assumption College
Apr 5 Sat Worcester Diocese Men’s Conference
Mark Fisher, candidate for Governor, the only candidate the Pro-Life could vote for.
Vote values - Fisher for the Primary. Scott Lively will run as an Independent.
Scott publically stated that if Mark wins the Primary and carries the true conservative banner, he would step aside and support Mark in the General. Two honorable men indeed.
Jay G.
Prayer Needs
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