Jul 20, 2013

Pro-Life Mass schedule July-Aug 2013

Jul 20 Sat 8am Mass to save babies with Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Jul 20 Sat 8am Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.

Bryan/College Station, Texas -- The most significant abortion center closure -- in the 40 years of legalized abortion since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision -- was made public today when Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Inc. announced that it was shutting down its abortion facility in Bryan/College Station, Texas after fifteen tumultuous years in business.

In 2003, on the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, ABC's Nightline spotlighted pro-life efforts in Bryan/College Station and said the community was "shaping the abortion debate" in America. Since that time, the local Planned Parenthood abortion facility gained worldwide notoriety as:

* Site of the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign in 2004, an effort that has since grown into a worldwide pro-life mobilization of 575,000 volunteers in 501 cities around the globe; saving 7,536 babies from abortion, closing 37 abortion centers, and helping 83 workers to quit their jobs in the abortion industry

* Place where former abortion center director and Planned Parenthood employee of the year Abby Johnson experienced a conversion, quit her job, and became an outspoken pro-life advocate, going on to found And Then There Were None, a new ministry which has since helped 60 other workers to leave the abortion industry over the last year

* Home of the Coalition for Life, the grassroots organization which Planned Parenthood credited for making the community "the most anti-choice place in the nation" in which Planned Parenthood experienced its "most consistent and active" opposition in the nation

Jul 27 Sat 9am prayers on the sidewalk followed by 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Ken Cardinale, Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worcester.

Good Movie: ‘Praying with Lior’ is a documentary about a Jewish boy, Lior, who has Down syndrome. The film follows Lior and his family as they prepare for Lior's bar mitzvah.

Aug 2 Fri 8pm First Friday: A Pro-Life Mass to “save babies through prayer” will be celebrated at 8:00pm by Fr. Richard A. Fortin, followed by all-night Eucharistic Adoration and concluding at 8am with 1st Saturday Mass celebrated by Father Michael J. Roy of St. Roch Parish, Oxford. Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Everyone is welcomed. Scheduled Adorers 8:30 PM – Nina T. 9PM – Chris T. 10PM - Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - Eileen D, 12 AM midnight – Shawn, 1AM - Jim R 2AM – Fran W 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 – Adrian 7AM – Kathy L. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.
Aug 3 Sat First Saturday Masses, 8am Problem Pregnancy Chapel, noon St. Joan of Arc.

Aug 10 Sat Mass 10am the Problem Pregnancy Chapel with Fr. Mark Rainville, Assoc. from St. Joseph's, Charlton. Prayers on the sidewalk before and after.

Aug 17Sat 8am Mass to save babies with Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Aug 17 Sat 8am Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.

Aug 24 Sat 9am prayers on the sidewalk followed by 10am Mass to save babies with Fr. Ken Cardinale, Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worcester.

Sep13-15th Trip/Pilgrimage to The Cap de Madelaine and the Oratory of St. Joseph. WQPH 89.3 FM Eternal Life Radio.

Jay G.
Prayer Needs

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