Mar 1, 2013

1st Friday 3/1/13

Mar 1 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass & adoration. Scheduled Adorers 8:30 PM – Nina T. 9PM - Chris T. 10PM – Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - Eileen D, 12 AM midnight – Shawn 1AM – Jim R 2AM – Fran W 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 - Mike & Chris 7AM – Need coverage. All hours could use backup.
Let me know if you cannot cover your hour.
Mar 2 8am 1st Saturday Mass with Fr. Roy
Mar 2, 11am-1pm 1st Sat Devotion, Confession and Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church on Lincoln St. in Worcester
Mar 3 Sun 11am-1pm Skate-a-thon for Birthright of Hudson Marlboro, Roll-on-America in Lancaster

40 Days for Life vigil continues across from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St. Worc. "Did you fail to rescue those who were being dragged off to death, those tottering, those near death, because you said, "We didn't know about it?" Surely, the Searcher of hearts knows and will repay all according to their deeds." (Proverbs 24:11-12)
Note: Please hold your signs, do not prop them on the sidewalk, trees or shrubs.
check out photos of the vigil.

Mar 6 Wed 7pm – “Tell all souls about My mercy”, evening of theatre and prayer, Hagan Campus Center, Assumption College, presented by Diocese of Worcester. $10, under 18 free.

“…modern catechesis to a large extent hardly mentions the concept of ‘eternal life’, and the problem of death is only touched upon, and then for the most part only in the context of how to delay its approach or mitigate its attendant conditions. Since many Christians have lost their sense for the ‘last things’, death is surrounded by silence, fear or the attempt to trivialize it. For centuries the Church has taught us to pray that death will not overtake us unawares, that we shall be given time to prepare for it; now, a sudden death is regarded as a blessing. If we do not accept and respect death, we do not accept and respect life either. “ Ratzinger Report, p.145

Mar 8 Fri 9am-6pm 40 Days for Life Boston will have the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Comm Ave, and every day until the end of the campaign. Candlelight Vigils at 6:45pm Fridays. Watch the amazing story of the image here:

Mar 8 Fri 5:30-8pm Art Show reception at the Sprinkle Factory, 38 Harlow St., Worc 01605. Exhibit is free and open to public Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays 1-8pm
Mar 9 Sat 10am Mass to save babies in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel with Fr. Nick Desimone, then prayers on the sidewalk.

Mar 16 Sat 13th annual Diocese of Worcester Catholic Men’s Conference, DCU Center
Mar 16 Sat 8am Mass to save babies with Fr. Adam Reid in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St. Worc, followed by Sidewalk prayerful protest in front of Planned Parenthood.
Mar 16 Sat 8AM Mass and Rosary to end abortion at Framingham Union Hospital, St. Stephen's Church.

Not in the News! Gay Rights Activist convicted of Domestic Terrorism

Mar 22nd (Friday) @ 4pm – 40 DFL Closing Mass and Eucharistic Procession starting at Blessed Sacrament, 555 Pleasant St

Mar 23 Sat - Marriage March in Washington, D.C. sponsored by National Organization for Marriage

Apr 5 Fri 8pm 1st Friday Mass & adoration.
Apr 6 Sat 1st Saturday Mass, 8am Problem Pregnancy Chapel 495 Pleasant St., noon St. Joan of Arc Lincolns St.
Apr 6, Sat 11am-1pm 1st Sat Devotion, Confession and Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church on Lincoln St. in Worcester

Apr 10 Wed 10am-2pm Pro-Family Lobby day on Beacon Hill, lunch provided. RSVP

Good Movie: ‘I am David’, set in 1952 and based on the Danish fiction book written by Anne Holm in 1963. It tells the story of a young boy who, with the help of a prison guard, escapes from a Bulgarian Communist camp, and journeys to Denmark. It may seem hard for 12 year olds to read a book about escape from a concentration camp, but this is a very good story anyone 12 or older. Movie critic Stephen Greydanus writes “As the title suggests, I Am David wants us to experience David’s story through the eyes of a young boy who has never known anything but this camp…

He knows that one day he was taken aside and quietly told how to escape — to climb the electrified fence in the 30 seconds it would be shut down, and that beyond the fence he would find a stash of provisions for the journey to a ship that would take him to Italy, from which he should try to make his way to Denmark.

How the stash of provisions was planted beyond the fence, and why he should make his way to Denmark, David doesn’t know, and neither do we. His mind is a jumble of confused memories, and we piece his past together along with him. Writer-director Paul Feig (TV’s "Freaks and Geeks"), adapting the celebrated 1963 novel North to Freedom by Danish writer Anne Holm, shrewdly structures David’s journey as a puzzle, slowly reconstructing David’s past as he moves toward his future.

Apr 13 Sat Sat 10am Mass to save babies in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel with Fr. Nick Desimone, then prayers on the sidewalk.

Jay G.
Prayer Needs

MassResistance fights to protect parent’s rights and Traditional marriage, but they need your help.
Recall Abortion: sign the Petition

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