Sep 22, 2012
Pro-Life Boycott List
Life Decisions International, LDI has compiled the complete de facto list of Corporations that donate to Planned Parenthood, and presents a compelling case as to why all of us Pro-Lifers should boycott these businesses, and why we should write to the their CEOs and express our disgust with their business decision to financially support the largest abortion business in the United States. This list is updated, and so far 281 Corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood because of these boycotts, to the tune of $41 Million. This week the LDI Pro-Life Letter writing campaign targets: Mr. William R. Pippin, Pres. Stanbio Laboratory Inc. 1261 N. Main St., Boeme, TX 78006. 800-531-5535 Sample Letter
Life Matters
Sep24 Mon Second Thoughts and the disability opposition to assisted suicide, The Massachusetts Senior Action Council's Falls Prevention Day, Boston (at the state house)
Sep24 Mon Second Thoughts and the disability opposition to assisted suicide, The Massachusetts Senior Action Council's Falls Prevention Day, Boston (at the state house)
Sep 24 Mon 7:15-8pm - Christ The King, St. Joseph Novena, Mondays through Nov 5. Short homily, novena prayers, conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The novena will seek the intercession of St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of a Happy Death, a very old devotion in the Church. This novena, in this its first year, is directed n a special way to the thousands of people who are seriously ill and those who die each year, and for all their caregivers. It will aso include prayers that the citizens of Massachusetts turn down doctor-prescribed suicide at the polls this November. We should bring love, care, prayer, hope and proper pain management to family members, and not help them to end their lives through suicide
Sep 26 Wed – Nov 4 – 40 Days for Life Daily Public Peaceful Prayer Vigil across the street from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St., Worcester, MA 01609, 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sign up or call Pauline Morris at 1-508-425-3087.
Sep 26 Wed 6pm 40 Days for Life Candlelight vigil, BYOC.
Some Good News on the Marriage Front: "The message we sent was pretty simple," said Brian Brown, executive director of NOM. "If you are a Republican and you vote for [gay] marriage, you are going to lose."
According to the Associated Press: "Republican primary voters in New York punished two incumbents last week who voted to legalize same-sex marriage, firing a potential warning shot nationwide toward GOP lawmakers who could soon face tough votes in their states.
Two of the four veteran-and long-secure-Republican senators in New York who voted for same-sex marriage a year ago await counts of absentee ballots as they sweat out the political fight of their lives. A third announced his retirement this year in the face of strong opposition to his gay marriage vote.
"Any Republican legislator faced with this vote is going to think twice," said Robert Bellafiore, a political commentator and former top aide to Republican Gov. George Pataki of New York. "I don't think there is any question this going to have a chilling effect across the country."
John Fund in National Review put it the most simply in his editorial, "Gay Marriage Backers Face Consequences in N.Y. Primaries"
Sep 27 Thu 7pm – Emmanuel Radio WNEB 1230AM fundraiser with Patrick Coffin, Host Catholic Answers Live on EWTN. Anna Maria College, 50 Sunset Ln, Paxton, MA 508-767-1230
Oct 5 Fri - First Friday Mass in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel, 495 Pleasant St., with Fr. Richard Jakubouskas, followed by all night Eucharistic Adoration. Scheduled Adorers 8:30 PM – Nina T. 9PM - Chris T. 10PM – Julie S - Paul T. 11PM - Eileen D, 12 AM midnight – Shawn 1AM – Jim R 2AM – Fran W 3AM – Jay G 4AM – Jay G. 5AM – Fred M - Bob D 6:00 - Mike & Chris 7AM – Kathy. All hours could use backup. Let me know if you cannot cover your hour. Please keep Fr. Gallagher in your prayers.
Oct 6 Sat 8am 1st Saturday Mass (on the Second Saturday of September), Problem Pregnancy chapel followed by Prayer Vigil Protest outside on the sidewalk in front of or across from Planned Parenthood, 472 Pleasant St. Worc
Oct 7 Sun 2-3:30pm WORCESTER LIFE CHAIN participants stand in solidarity as a witness to our community that abortion is wrong. Uniform signs will be available, on the back of each sign there are prayers and hymns. As renowned pro-life leader Ruth Pakaluk from Worcester wrote “Imagine how frustrating it must be for us to see women viewing their own offspring as adversaries to be destroyed, throwing away the priceless gift God has lavished upon them to love and by whom to be loved.”
Oct 9 Tue 7-8:30pm “Living and Dying Well from a Catholic Perspective”, St. Luke the Evangelist Church, 1 Ruggles St., Westborough, MA - Speaker: Monsignor Peter Beaulieu
Oct 13 Sat 10am Mass Fr. Adam Reid - A change in Celebrant only
Oct 13 Sat Noon St. Joan of Arc in Worcester, consecration to the Immaculate Conception – on the 95th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima
Oct 16 Tue 7-8:30pm “Should Doctors Prescribe Death? A Violent Solution to Human Suffering.” St. Luke the Evangelist, 1 Ruggles St., Westborough, MA - Panel includes John Howland, MD and New England Regional Director of the Catholic Medical Association, Henry Luthinis Boston-area attorney who serves as the acting president of the board of the Pro-Life Legal Defense Fund
Oct 18 Thu 11am 40 Days for Life Prayer vigil with Bishop McManus, to pray the rosary and divine mercy chaplet.
Oct 20 Sat 10am Mass Fr. Robert Grattaroti (changed from 8am)
Oct 24 Wed 1:30pm Anna Maria College hosts "Faith and the Public Square: Balancing Religious Beliefs and the Common Good" Symposium. Keynote by Mrs. Victoria Reggie Kennedy, followed by panel discussion with Fr. Richard Reidy vs. Congressman James McGovern
Oct 27 Sat 8:30am-3:30pm Dignity, Dangers, and Choices at the End of Life Conference, Hagan Center at Assumption College, Worcester. Speakers include: Bishop Robert McManus, Dr. William Toffler, Fr. Tad Pacholczyk, and Richard Doerflinger. brochure/registration form
Bill McCarthy is the Pro-Life State Rep candidate in the Worcester 14th/W.Boylston district. Time to throw out Pro-abortion, Pro-Same-Sex Marriage incumbent Jim O'Day
When we first obtained the 2009 Planned Parenthood application for the Central Massachusetts Title X federal grant, we were very surprised to find recommendation letters from many Central Massachusetts politicians as part of the application. State Representative James O'Day (Worcester - 14th) wrote a recommendation letter. In the grant application, there was a page listing the members of the Central Massachusetts Planned Parenthood Advisory Committee; Rachel McCook, a staffer for James O'Day, was on that committee.
1. PPLM's Central MA Advisory Committee -- Rachel McCook, James O'Day staffer on committee
2. Endorsement letter from James O'Day for PPLM to receive Title X grant (2 pages)
State Representative James O'Day (14th Worcester) has long been a leading proponent for the Planned Parenthood facility on Lincoln Street in Worcester (as he calls it, his district). At the state Health Council- PP DON meeting on July 9, 2008, O'Day spoke in favor of the proposed Planned Parenthood facility on Pleasant Street, Worcester
Brian O’Malley is the Pro-Life Pro-Traditional Marriage State Rep candidate in the Worcester 15th district
Romney/Ryan signs, shirts, buttons etc…
Oct 30 Tues 7pm Voter Information Session, Fr. Stephen Gemme of St. Bernadette’s parish in Northborough will answer the question: Why should we value religious liberty?
Knights of Columbus, 17 Willow St., Westborough off E. Main St. across for Dunkin Donuts
Nov 2 Fri 4:30pm Mass and Eucharistic procession for 40 Days for Life, Blessed Sacrament Church followed by Eucharistic Adoration all night in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel.
Sean Beilat is running against Pro-abortion anti-marriage Joseph Patrick Kennedy III in the race to succeed Barney Frank.
Jay G.
Prayer Needs;
"A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law." Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Even though a gay man walked into the lobby of Family Research Council, FRC in Washington D.C., and opened fire; when tackled by the Johnson building manager whom he shot, the shooter begged for his life saying "Don't shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for." Yet the Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC still labels the FRC a Hate group for its defense of Traditional Marriage.
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