Aug 7-15 Novena for 40-Days for Life Fall Campaign - Order FREE Prayer cards
Aug 12 Fri 7AM Rosary at Lisandra Pagan's house – let me know if you can attend.
Aug 13 Sat AM Prayer vigil protest to end abortion in front of Planned Parenthood 472 Pleasant St. Worc. Park on Hudson or Dewey St.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the reaction of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) to the news that an elderly New York priest was arrested for a sexual infraction:
A 16-year-old girl started working in a Bronx parish last Saturday and now claims she was inappropriately touched by an 87-year-old priest. She returned to work on Monday, where she now says she was touched the wrong way again. Then she voluntarily decided to go back to work on Tuesday, where she now claims she was wrongly touched for the third time. On Wednesday, the cops show up, with TV cameras rolling, and handcuff the elderly priest—who has never had a single allegation made against him in over 60 years as a priest—treating him as if he were Jack the Ripper.
If this isn't surreal enough, consider that the phony victims' group, SNAP, is accusing New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan of covering up the alleged misconduct, even though Dolan knew nothing about it. Moreover, when Dolan learned of the arrest, he immediately informed the cleric that he cannot function as a priest and must leave the parish until the matter is settled. So to accuse the New York Archbishop of a cover-up is obscene.
SNAP also says that Archbishop Dolan was guilty of "acting secretively" in a previous case involving Msgr. Wallace Harris. This is libelous: Dolan was the Archbishop of Milwaukee when Harris was suspended. When Cardinal Edward Egan, Dolan's predecessor, learned of the alleged misconduct by Harris—which supposedly happened 30 years earlier—he notified the D.A.'s office.
According to SNAP's press release today, these cases also show the Church's tolerance of pedophilia. But neither of the two cases involved pedophilia: in both instances, the alleged victims were teenagers. The name of the game is to paint priests as child abusers, which is a bold-face lie. It's time the media turned its cameras on the liars at SNAP.
Contact SNAP honcho David Clohessy:
Aug 20 Sat 8AM Mass with Fr. Reid Problem Pregnancy chapel followed by Prayer vigil protest to end abortion in front of Planned Parenthood 472 Pleasant St. Worc. Park on Hudson or Dewey St.
Election 2012 - Does Mitt Romney flip flop too much for Pro-Lifers to support him?
Aug 27 Sat 10AM Mass in Problem Pregnancy Chapel during the morning Prayer vigil protest to end abortion in front of Planned Parenthood 472 Pleasant St. Worc. Park on Hudson or Dewey St.
Aug 27 Sat 9AM-3PM - Voice of the Martyrs conference - Christians persecuted across the globe for their beliefs First Assembly of God, 30 Tyler Prentice Rd. Worcester, MA
Aug 28 Sun 1-6PM St. Paul's Parish Picnic
Sep 18 Sun - Massresistance Banquet - learn from leading Pro-family attorney in Britain how homosexual activists after recently forcing Britain to lower the age of consent for homosexual acts to 16, now are trying to force the age of consent down to 14.
Sep 25 - 12th annual Doug Flutie Autism Foundation 5K Road Race Natick
America Needs Fatima, great web site for rosary
Oct 15 Sat. Noon Public Square Rosary - 2,000 Rosary rallies in 2007 grew to 5,963 last year, 2011 goal is 7000 locations across N.America. See you on Pleasant St.
Sept28-Nov6 Fall 40 Days for Life. 714 babies saved during Spring campaign. If you can volunteer to help please contact Lee Crowley, Sandra Kucharski or Pauline Morris.
St. John Vianney on the Horror of Sin.
Oct 7-9 Voter's Values Summit Omni Shoreham Hotel Washington DC, featuring Sean Hannity, William Bennett. Glenn Beck.
Fr. Robert Barron on Morality, Character & Relationships
[Every moral act has an immediate short-term result, and in turn also has a long term result that contributes to your character development, either building up your character or undermining it] JPII
Nov 4-5 Fr. Apostoli comes to RI
Fordham Jesuits promote homosexual diversity in the Catholic Church - send protest email.
Jay G.
Prayer Needs;
Ruth Pakaluk's opening statement during her Pro-Life debate, Jan 1995 at Boston College
1 comment :
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on how the Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests (SNAP) stands by its friends who have been convicted on child pornography charges:
Dr. Steve Taylor is a psychiatrist who is sitting in a Louisiana jail awaiting transfer to a state prison. He pleaded guilty last April to 23 counts of attempted possession of child pornography. He is not just an ordinary shrink with a sick appetite—he worked with SNAP for years.
We now know, thanks to the reporting of Bruce Nolan in the Times-Picayune , that this child porn afficionado is so beloved by SNAP that its founder, Barbara Blaine, intervened on his behalf even before his conviction: she, along with her friend, noted Church-bashing author Jason Berry, wrote to the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, asking them to give due consideration to Taylor's alleged humanitarian work before lifting his medical license.
Now why should it matter if Taylor has done some good work in the past? After all, SNAP has never shown the slightest interest in weighing the totality of an accused priest's record before condemning him publicly, and neither has Berry. Indeed, SNAP advises on its website that when a priest is accused, parishioners who support him should do so "PRIVATELY." [Its emphasis.] To support him publicly would be "terribly hurtful to victims."
Blaine and Berry should immediately issue an apology to all victims, stating how contrite they are for causing such terrible hurt; they should also withdraw their public support for Dr. Taylor. To show how downright hypocritical these people are consider what happened last Thursday: SNAP issued a news release expressing its utter delight with the news that a North Carolina priest pleaded guilty to deleting child porn from his computer; he is sitting in a federal prison. His humanitarian record counted for nothing in their eyes.
Contact Blaine:
Contact our director of communications about Donohue’s remarks:
Jeff Field
Phone: 212-371-3191
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